| - (Emprise du Lion, Elfsblood river, near statues covered in icicles)
* Sera: (Laughs.) Up there. Giant icicle tits! Ice.. tittles?
* Blackwall: You're looking for "titsicles."
* Sera: Oh, that's good.
* Vivienne: They were in fashion for a while, you know.
* Sera: No. Really?
* Vivienne: Absolutely. ───────
* Blackwall: Right, how's it end?
* Sera: What? That tavern tale?
* Blackwall: Come on! You left off elbow deep in... circumstances. That can't be it.
* Sera: That wasn't her name, but yeah, that's as far as the story ever gets. Why are you complaining?
* Blackwall: Because I can't stop thinking about it. I need to know the end!
* Sera: Why would you want to stop? The whole point of the good bit is thinking about the good bit. If i tell the
| - (Emprise du Lion, Elfsblood river, near statues covered in icicles)
* Sera: (Laughs.) Up there. Giant icicle tits! Ice.. tittles?
* Blackwall: You're looking for "titsicles."
* Sera: Oh, that's good.
* Vivienne: They were in fashion for a while, you know.
* Sera: No. Really?
* Vivienne: Absolutely. ───────
* Blackwall: Right, how's it end?
* Sera: What? That tavern tale?
* Blackwall: Come on! You left off elbow deep in... circumstances. That can't be it.
* Sera: That wasn't her name, but yeah, that's as far as the story ever gets. Why are you complaining?
* Blackwall: Because I can't stop thinking about it. I need to know the end!
* Sera: Why would you want to stop? The whole point of the good bit is thinking about the good bit. If i tell the end, it ends!
* Sera: Bunch of moaners, this! Drag out the sad shit? "Yes, please." But hang on to a good bit? "Oh, can't have that."
* Sera: Frigging daft! ───────
* Sera: Beardy!
* Blackwall: Fuzzyhead.
* Sera: (Laughs.) Grand! ───────
* Sera: I once saw the empress's arse.
* Blackwall: Congratulations?
* Sera: Well, I didn't. I drew it and someone said it was a good likeness. That's a story about trust. ───────
* Sera: I like you, you don't talk about elfy stuff.
* Blackwall: Like you'd know what you're talking about.
* Sera: Right, well pbtht. ───────
* Sera: Hey, do you think they'll have pie when we get back? I could use a pie. Or three.
* Blackwall: That's... a lot of pie for one person.
* Sera: You'd understand if you've ever been hungry. In your bones hungry. ───────
* Sera: Know what I hear? The only thing scaring nobles more than the baddies is being asked to help us. Typical, right? Wet and running the first sign of trouble.
* Blackwall: I knew a duke who actually had a servant follow him to war with corks in case his bowels loosened. Called him his "retainer."
* Sera: (Laughs.) ───────
* Sera: Always knew you were up to something.
* Blackwall: Sorry.
* Sera: For what? Trying? Better than most ever do. ───────
* Sera: I don't get it. If you want to change, just change. Why this "fake Warden" rubbish?
* Blackwall: For one, people wanted me dead. Being someone else kept me breathing.
* Blackwall: And then, knowing that people thought I was good made it easier.
* Sera: (Laughs.) You needed them to think you could, so you could think you could!
* Sera: You're smart, but you're sort of stupid. ───────
* Blackwall: Hey, when this is all done, if you ever need my help for anything, you just ask, all right?
* Sera: Knew it! Knew you could be one of us.
* Blackwall: Us? That Red Jenny... thing. I didn't mean--
* Sera: It'll be brilliant, right? You can flip some tables, show some nobs your arse or something.
* Blackwall: No one needs to see my arse.
* Sera: I know!
* Sera: (Laughs.) ───────