| - Korsin Bentado was a Force-sensitive Human Male. He was a well-built and bald man who had a black moustache. Korsin was a member of the Lost Tribe of Sith, the descendants of a group of Human Sith that had become stranded on the planet Kesh during the Great Hyperspace War. Korsin grew up during the Time of the Rot and became the leader of the Korsinite League, a faction which revered the Tribe's founder Yaru Korsin and his daughter Nida Korsin. In 3000 BBY, he went to Tahv to celebrate Testament Day, and to stop an attempt by the Sisters of Seelah to alter the Testament of Yaru Korsin to favor their interests. During Testament, the various Sith factions learnt that the ancestors of the Lost Tribe were not "great conquerors" but were actually slaves of the Sith Empire. This sparked a brief period of murder and unrest known as the Great Crisis. During the fighting, Korsin lost his left hand to Iliana Merko, the leader of the Sisters of Seelah. Korsin subsequently joined forces with several surviving members of the Tribe including Edell Vrai and Neera to destroy the ancient Sith starship Omen in order to purge the "shameful history" of the Tribe. However, they were stopped by the Caretaker Varner Hilts, Iliana, and Hilt's Keshiri assistant Jaye Vuhld. During a brief skirmish, Korsin killed Jaye with his lightsaber. However, Hilts successfully convinced the other Sith to end the fighting by revealing the existence of a map which showed the existence of another continent known as Alanciar. Yaru Korsin had concealed Alanciar's existence and intended to use it as a "cause" to give his descendants a new sense of purpose. Hilt's ploy worked and the other Sith including Korsin elected Hilts as their new Grand Lord, the first since the Night of the Upside-Down Meteor which ended the life of Lillia Venn. After Hilt's takeover of the Tribe, Bentado became a member of the Grand Lord's new Circle of Lords, and received the title of High Lord. For the next twenty-five years, the Tribe committed themselves to reaching and conquering Alanciar. The Tribe also developed a fleet of hydrogen-powered airships which were used to travel to Alanciar. Korsin's rival Edell Vrai led the vanguard force and encountered resistance from the Alanciari Keshiri, who had prepared for a Sith invasion. During the invasion of Alanciar in 2975 BBY, the High Lord commanded the Ebon Fleet which sustained heavy casualties from the Alanciari forces. The Ebon Fleet's airships were shot down, and most of the invasion force was killed. Korsin's airship Yaru was shot down but he and a group of survivors regrouped and succeeded in reaching the capital Sus'mintri. There, Korsin and his followers slew the War Cabinet, effectively decapitating the Alanciari leadership. Korsin then rebelled against Grand Lord Hilts and attempted to create a second tribe on Alanciar. However, he was thwarted through the combined efforts of Edell, the local Alanciari woman Quarra Thayn, and his own Keshiri assistant Squab, who was actually loyal to Hilts. Squab slew Korsin while Edell used the Force to assert control over his remaining followers, ending Bentado's ambitions and ensuring the survival of Grand Lord Hilts. Following his death, the Tribe peacefully annexed Alanciari with the help of the Keshiri man Jogan Halder, Quarra's lover. Korsin would be remembered by the Sith and the Alanciari Keshiri as a "servant" of the evil Destructors whom the Tribe or the Protectors, were hunting for.