| - Just go to the trap door behind the Servants Guild and go into the room with all the Paladins, kill one and then a guard will notice you and knock you out. You will wake up in Ardougne Castle. Try going now to a small house near the marketplace and talk to Paladins, she will follow you this time to the Paladin hideout but you will need some Paladin armour just pickpocket some Paladin cult members. Now go to a doorway at the end of the room. Go though the door, Paladins will read the writing on the wall and tell you they plan on destroying all Saradominists. But a Elite Paladin will attack you and knock you out again. This time you will wake up just outside the Servants' Guild and you will find Paladins on the ground next to the corner of the guild, you will ask, "Paladins? No!" Take her body to the Mage at the Marketplace and he will revive her and she will take you to the King Paladin who will shout "Death to Saradomin" and summons two Elite Paladins to his aid, run to the altar in the corner, and 'worship' the altar and you will be given a Bloodveld pouch click. Summon and 1 Bloodveld will attack the Paladins. After the Paladins die, the King Paladin will attack Paladins but you rush in and attack him and eventually he will die, but beware, his special attack and hit almost 50 hp damage. Return to Paladis's house, she will give you a tablet, she says the King Paladin dropped it after he died, it reads "High above a mountain path, an army waits", since the tablet is broken, that's all that's written on it. Paladins congratulate you and advises you to take the tablet to Reldo in Varrock who might know something about the tablet. She then comments on how strange for the Ardougne's Holy Order of Paladins to turn so rogue to actually try to kill people. She then reveals that when she died and was revived again she became a spirit and has achieved her duty and departs for the afterlife. Congratulations! Quest complete!