| - Possessed of a plot laden with time paradoxes, its resolution depended on contradicting another Fifth Doctor story, Time Crash, as well as the Nyssa story Logopolis, and even The Claws of Axos. In those earlier televised stories, materialising one TARDIS around another caused massive problems. Here, the Doctor solved the central plot issue by spending much of the fourth episode liberally materialising his TARDIS inside of itself multiple times, much to Nyssa's confusion and fear.
| - Possessed of a plot laden with time paradoxes, its resolution depended on contradicting another Fifth Doctor story, Time Crash, as well as the Nyssa story Logopolis, and even The Claws of Axos. In those earlier televised stories, materialising one TARDIS around another caused massive problems. Here, the Doctor solved the central plot issue by spending much of the fourth episode liberally materialising his TARDIS inside of itself multiple times, much to Nyssa's confusion and fear. Like another Fifth Doctor audio, The Kingmaker, it posited a significant period of separation between the Doctor and his companion. While the earlier story put years onto Peri and Erimem's lives, this one allowed the Doctor to spend about a year away from Nyssa, who experienced no period away from the Doctor at all. In that Victorian year, the Doctor lived on Baker Street in London with a male assistant called Robert McIntosh, grew a beard, and pursued a number of academic interests. Though few details of their adventures in this "missing year" were given, it was certainly possible to infer that their adventures were not unlike those of a more sociable Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. In addition to the "timey-wimey-ness", the narrative structure was further complicated by unusual switches in perspective. The first episode came close to being told entirely in the first person, from Brewster's perspective, while the final three reverted to a more standard, Doctor-focused third person. Even so, however, they were peppered with occasional moments of Brewster's narration. Additionally, the soundtrack used both diegetic and extra-diegetic music to help reinforce the time setting of various scenes.