| - [verbe du premier groupe] [siɾkuˈla] (or.), [siɾkuˈlaɾ] (val.)Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan centralCatégorie:Prononciation en valencien Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* circuler, se déplacer dans un véhicule → anar, moure, viatjar 1.
* prononciation générale: [siɾkuˈla]
* valencien : [siɾkuˈlaɾ]Catégorie:Prononciation en valencien
- Chercher "circular" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- The ultimate Machine-type monster, this creature forgoes the Shock Wave attack from its predecessors to have a more aggressive way of attacking, which consists of detonating itself in an attack called Self Destruct to cause major damage to all party members. Additionally, it can call for reinforcements with its Alarm skill, and its Mind Sleep Jamming skill drastically reduces the speed at which a Song Magic is charged, thus slowing the increase of the Burst Gauge to crawl. Given this, it's even more important to prioritize their elimination, as between the Jamming, their calling of reinforcements and the damage they can do when they self-destruct, they can be quite a danger if not taken seriously.
- A circular is an informational brochure published by the Copyright Office for distribution to the public. Each circular deals with an aspect of the copyright law, e.g., duration of copyright, copyright registration of musical compositions, and copyright notice.
- |-| verbe intransitif = étymologie
* mot savant,Catégorie:mot savant du latin circulāreCatégorie:Issu du latin
* apparentés : circulación
* catalan, occitanCatégorie:occitanCatégorie:catalan : circular [verbe du premier groupe] [θiɾkuˈlaɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* circuler → andar, chorrear, correr, mover
| - [verbe du premier groupe] [siɾkuˈla] (or.), [siɾkuˈlaɾ] (val.)Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan centralCatégorie:Prononciation en valencien Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* circuler, se déplacer dans un véhicule → anar, moure, viatjar 1.
* prononciation générale: [siɾkuˈla]
* valencien : [siɾkuˈlaɾ]Catégorie:Prononciation en valencien
- Chercher "circular" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- The ultimate Machine-type monster, this creature forgoes the Shock Wave attack from its predecessors to have a more aggressive way of attacking, which consists of detonating itself in an attack called Self Destruct to cause major damage to all party members. Additionally, it can call for reinforcements with its Alarm skill, and its Mind Sleep Jamming skill drastically reduces the speed at which a Song Magic is charged, thus slowing the increase of the Burst Gauge to crawl. Given this, it's even more important to prioritize their elimination, as between the Jamming, their calling of reinforcements and the damage they can do when they self-destruct, they can be quite a danger if not taken seriously.
- A circular is an informational brochure published by the Copyright Office for distribution to the public. Each circular deals with an aspect of the copyright law, e.g., duration of copyright, copyright registration of musical compositions, and copyright notice.
- |-| verbe intransitif = étymologie
* mot savant,Catégorie:mot savant du latin circulāreCatégorie:Issu du latin
* apparentés : circulación
* catalan, occitanCatégorie:occitanCatégorie:catalan : circular [verbe du premier groupe] [θiɾkuˈlaɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* circuler → andar, chorrear, correr, mover