| - King Midas was the ruler of Midasius. He was once cursed or gifted by the gods with the ability to turn anything he touched into gold. After he lost that ability he became a well-liked king. He helped guide his people through difficult times when floods and droughts decimated the population of Midasius. When Voluptua and Segallus suggested he open a gambling palace called the Golden Touch to help distract his people from their troubles, he agreed. Midas and his daughter, Flaxen, worked at the Golden Touch and became almost subjugated by Voluptua and Segallus until Hercules and Salmoneus arrived. Hercules helped Midas realize that the gambling palace was hindering, not helping, the Midasians. The hero helped Midas re-claim his kingdom.
- Midas ist der König von Goldstadt und ein Anhänger der Imperiums. Er ist völlig besessen von Gold und hat keinen Respekt vor Mana, weil er nur an sich selbst denkt. In Goldstadt sind nämlich zu hohe Preise und die Insel droht immer wieder im Meer zu versinken, weil sie durch das viele Gold zu schwer ist.
- Midas était un roi de l'univers de Donald Duck, des Silly Symphonies et de Mickey Mouse, qui vécut pendant la période de l'Antiquité.
- Midas is a Villain of Green Arrow who has ties to his own past.
- Midas is a Raven appearing in Armored Core 3. She is ranked C-5 in the Arena. In the Extra Arena she is partnered with Barchetta and they hold the title of the tenth ranked team.
- Midas was the king of Pessinus and second king of Phrygia in Greek mythology. Midas ruled the kingdom of Phrygia in the eighth century B.C.E. In the mythological age, kings of Phrygia were alternately named Gordias and Midas.
- King Midas is the first boss in the game Double Edged.
- Midas was the king of Phrygia. Midas prayed to the god Dionysus and was granted his wish for a touch of gold. However, his glee was short lived as although his plate and goblet were turned to gold, so too was his food then his teeth when he reached to his mouth in horror. He ran to consult with his daughter but he reached to her for comfort and she too was transformed. Midas was driven mad and fled into the desert, leaving behind his golden kingdom. Mack Stanton was later asked to find King Midas' tomb.
- If things go wrong and you are caught in crossfire, Sergeant First Class Rubio Delgado "Midas" is the partner you want by your side. He’s not only a skilled mechanic and a vehicles specialist, he’s equipped with some seriously heavy weaponry, making him the perfect choice for intense assaults.
- Tämän ansiomerkin saa Spore-Taalereiden kädessä olevasta määrästä. Sen saa helposti koodeilla, mutta silloin saa myös huijari -ansiomerkin eikä saa enää saavutuksia samalla tallennuksella. 10 miljoonaa Spore-Taaleria ei kuitenkaan ole liian ylivoimainen tavoite edes pienelle valtakunnalle.
- The first apple you give to an eligible donkey each month, turns into a Harmony Pack for this donkey. Eligible donkeys are those that are at least 18 months old and have no special coat yet.
- King Midas was an ancient ruler. His shield was in the Brigand's treasures. It was worth its weight in gold.
- Sergeant First Class Rubio Delgado, also known as "Midas" is a soldier in the United States Army and a member of the Ghost Special Forces.
- Midas (Greek: Μίδας) was a mythical king of Phrygia, an Ancient Greek state in west-central Asia Minor (now Turkey). Midas is the subject of two humourous stories which have pervaded Western culture. In the first Midas story, the King is granted a wish for his service to the god Dionysus. He wishes for the ability to turn everything he touches into gold. At his next meal, he turns all his food to gold and nearly starves to death before Dionysus comes to his aid and revokes the power. The scene best known in popular culture is when Midas transforms his daughter into a golden statue; ironically this event is not from the original version, but was added on by the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1852. In the second Midas story, he is cursed by the god Apollo to have large ears resemblin
- El drama trata sobre la vida de las fusiones, el mercado bursátil, el mundo financiero y como no, el mundillo chaebol. Kim Do Hyun (Jang Hyuk). Interpretará a un abogado que trabaja contra su propia conciencia, hasta que se da cuenta de su situación y comienza a cambiar, Lee Ji (Lee Min Jung) es una enfermera que trabaja en un hospital, y es el primer amor de Kim Do Hyun (Jang Hyuk).
- The most famous King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched into gold. This came to be called the Golden touch, or the Midas touch. The Phrygian city Midaeum was presumably named after this Midas, and this is probably also the Midas that according to Pausanias founded Ancyra,, modern Ankara, Turkey. According to Aristotle, legend held that Midas died of hunger as a result of his "vain prayer" for the gold touch. The legends told about this Midas and his father Gordias, credited with founding the Phrygian capital city Gordium and tying the Gordian Knot, indicate that they were believed to have lived sometime in the 2nd millennium BCE well before the Trojan War. However, Homer does not mention Midas or Gordias, while instead mentioning
- thumb|MIDAS thumb|MIDAS przesyłający wiązkę thumb|Schemat MIDAS-a thumb|Urządzenie słuźące do skupienia wiązki z emiterów MIDAS-a MIDAS (Mutara Interdimensional Deep Space Array System lub Mutara Interdimensional Deep Space Transponder Array System) -satelita komunikacyjny, wykorzystujący hiperpodprzestrzeń do super-szybkiego przesyłu informacji. Wspólny projekt federacyjnej Floty Gwiezdnej i wolkańskich naukowców. W drugiej połowie lat 70-tych XXIV wieku MIDAS służył do testów opracowywanej dopiero technologii hiperpodprzestrzennej.
- The machine also allowed Midas to control the mind of any person he used it on. Intending to use his device to seize power, he treated his own body with the ray, then used it on the inhabitants of Puddlesfield, making them his slaves. When Midas attempted to use his device on a British Army tank that had been made shiny on the Doctor's orders, the ray was reflected back on him, disintegrating him. The Doctor then had the ray machines destroyed. (COMIC: The Celluloid Midas)