| - A Kusarigama was a kama with a long weighted length of chain attached to one end and can be used for climbing as well as entangling opponents.
- Das Kusarigama ist eine traditionelle, japanische Waffe, die aus einer Sichel, die an einer Kette befestigt ist, besteht. Sie wird verwendet um Gegner anzugreifen oder um sie mit der Kette zu umwickeln. Tenten verwendet es als Wurfgeschoss in ihrem Soushouryuu und Jiga magnetisiert es mit seinem Jishaku Ninpou, um die Waffen seiner Gegner beim Kontakt stehlen zu können. Hanzou soll ein geschickter Nutzer des Kusarigama sein, der sein Kusarigama in Gift getränkt haben soll, um dessen Gefährlichkeit zu steigern. Merkwürdigerweise tendiert er dazu seine Sichel mit der Kette zu schwingen, um den Gegner zu schaden, statt es zu werfen.
- Kusarigama (锁镰, literalmente "Cadena Hoz") es un arma que consta de una Kama unida a una cadena de metal con un gran peso de hierro en el extremo. La combinación de las dos armas permite varias funciones: la cadena ayuda como un látigo, protegerse de ataques enemigos e incluso desarmar al oponente, la kama sirve como apoyo en la ofensiva ya que utilizando de buena manera la cadena y la hoz puede crearse una combinación mortal.
- Kusarigama (锁镰, literalmente "Cadena Hoz") es un arma que consta de una Kama unida a una cadena de metal con un gran peso de hierro en el extremo. La combinación de las dos armas permite varias funciones: la cadena ayuda como un látigo, protegerse de ataques enemigos e incluso desarmar al oponente, la kama sirve como apoyo en la ofensiva ya que utilizando de buena manera la cadena y la hoz puede crearse una combinación mortal.
- Coincidentally the Kusarigama was a popular ninja weapon, which is what Bankotsu often called Kohaku, much to his annoyance.
- Objets relatifs Utilisateurs Kusarigama Un kusarigama est une arme japonaise traditionnelle constituée d'une faucille fixée à une chaîne.
- The kusarigama(鎖鎌, "chain-sickle") is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of kama (the Japanese equivalent of a sickle) on a metal chain (manriki) with a heavy iron weight at the end. Though the kusarigama is derived from a farmer's scythe, and though the sickle was often carried as a weapon during the feudal era of Japan, these farmers did not carry kusarigama. Its purpose as a weapon was very obvious, so unlike a sickle, it could not be carried openly. The art of handling the kusarigama is called kusarigamajutsu.
- La kusarigama (锁镰, literalmente "Cadena Hoz") es un arma originaria de Japón compuesta por una Kama unida a una cadena de metal con un gran peso de hierro en el extremo entre 1 y 3 metros y que tenía un peso de hierro o piedra (omori) en su extremo (el omori solía ser una esfera o un cono, a veces de forma puntiaguda, de unos 3 o 5 cm de diámetro). La cadena posee un diseño como el del manriki, otra arma japonesa. La combinación de las dos armas permite varias funciones: la cadena ayuda como un látigo, protegerse de ataques enemigos e incluso desarmar al oponente, la kama sirve como apoyo en la ofensiva ya que utilizando de buena manera la cadena y la hoz puede crearse una combinación mortal.
- A is a traditional Japanese weapon consisting of a sickle attached to a chain. It may be used to attack opponents, or to incapacitate them with the chain.
- A kusarigama is a traditional Japanese weapon consisting of a sickle attached to a chain. It may be used to attack opponents, or to incapacitate them with the chain. Some skilled kusarigama users can even steal their opponents' weapons. Tenten used it as a projectile in her Twin Rising Dragons technique, while Jiga magnetises it with his Magnet Ninja Art to steal opponents' weapons. Hanzō is noted to be a very skilled user of the kusarigama, which he has drenched in poison to further increase its lethality. Unusually, he tended to deliver strikes by swinging the sickle with the chain, rather than simply employing the weighted end, which is generally considered to be the most effective manner.
- The kusarigama is the weapon Michelangelo's nunchucks transform into in the 2012 TV series. It has a blade on the end unlike the old nunchucks. Instead of having another blade at the back like the nunchucks it has a handle as well as the handle attached to the blade itself. The nunchucks are one of the weapons to get an upgrade (the other being the bo staff) Tiger of the West uses a Kusari-Gama called the "Great Wind" in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness. A Kusarigama is used by a member of the Triceraton All-Star Team. White Rabbit uses one in Turtles Go Hollywood.
- The Kusarigama is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of Kama (the Japanese equivalent of a sickle) and a long chain (manriki) with a weight attached to the end of it. The sickle was used in a slashing or stabbing motion, as well as used to block and hook opponents weapons. By holding the chain portion of the weapon, the sickle could be swung around to get a greater reach with it.