| - He made cameos throughout Season 1, making his first appearance in "New Roomies" as Dustin's Spanish student. He made his first major appearance in "Quinn's Date," and has been Quinn's boyfriend since Season 1. He has no emotions and has kissed Quinn several times; however, the first time they kissed was in "The Radio," two years after they started dating. He loves salami and likes plain (no butter, sour cream, etc.) baked potatoes. He is also lactose intolerant. He also collects rocks, as shown is some of the later episodes.
| - He made cameos throughout Season 1, making his first appearance in "New Roomies" as Dustin's Spanish student. He made his first major appearance in "Quinn's Date," and has been Quinn's boyfriend since Season 1. He has no emotions and has kissed Quinn several times; however, the first time they kissed was in "The Radio," two years after they started dating. He loves salami and likes plain (no butter, sour cream, etc.) baked potatoes. He is also lactose intolerant. He also collects rocks, as shown is some of the later episodes. In "Quinn Misses the Mark," he breaks up with Quinn, and he dates a girl named Brooke, who dumps him because he is not exciting. Michael, Logan, Chase, and sometimes Zoey usually just call him by his last name - Del Figgalo - whereas Quinn and Lola (including Nicole and Dana) usually call him Mark. Michael and Logan also sometimes call him Del-Figgs. He also collects antique calendars and likes to knit. He is seen dancing with Stacey at the end of Chasing Zoey. The girls he has dated are: Courtney (Season 1), Quinn Pensky (Seasons 1-4), Brooke Margolin (Season 4), and Stacey Dillsen (Season 4). Mark appears in 28 episodes in Zoey 101 and is one of the four recurring characters that appear in all four seasons.