| - The Dawn Breakers (夜明け遮断器 literally meaning Yoake Shadanki?) are a group of unique, hand picked revolutionary soldiers led by the leader of the Revolutionary Trio and the right hand man of Monkey D. Dragon known as Nova Blade. Each member has been specially picked by Nova to ensure the maximum of their own potential. The Squad has been formed to bring out said potential, and combat the Marine forces known as Cipher Pol. The Squad is not predjudice to sexuality, color or personality, as it is has an Okama, Demon and slightly unsociable people within its mitts. During the time that the Dawn Breakers were active, they proved to be a highly efficient force capable of going toe to toe with the units of Cipher Pol. They're most incredible feat was the clash of Cocoa Bridge , where they managed to cut off CP8 to the point where the secret intel became the revolutionaries gain. Despite the clash costing Daemon his eye. They still continued to shine out in the Revolutionary force, up until the day they disbanded due to Nova leaving the Revolutionary army, holding himself responsible for Static Dyson's betrayal. During the Massacre of Kiko Pass, the Dawn Breaker's clashed with the True Graves due to Static's ultimate betrayal, this led to an incredibly large clash between the two, involving the death of the True Graves, aside from Static and two members that had managed to get away. This resulted in Nova leaving the Revolutionaries and disbanding the Dawn Breaker's through shame and so that he may chase Static without endangering the members once more. This ultimately led to each going their seperate ways. Along with some holding severe resentment towards Nova.