| - The Dark Rangers were a Ranger team created by Lord Zedd to destroy the Power Rangers, consisting of five tough bullies from Angel Grove High School. Before they became the Dark Rangers, Justin, Zane, Bobby, Tina and Hilary were the newest bullies of Angel Grove High. As they ran into Tommy Oliver, Billy Cranston, and Zack Taylor after sending Bulk and Skull rolling towards them in garbage cans, the rangers were warned of their newest threats. The bullies thought Angel Grove belonged to them, and that was the special reason that Lord Zedd chose them to be his Dark Rangers. They met up with Jason Lee Scott, Kimberly Ann Hart, Billy, and Zack at the beach. Before they could fight each other, Zedd beamed the bullies to the Otherworld.
| - The Dark Rangers were a Ranger team created by Lord Zedd to destroy the Power Rangers, consisting of five tough bullies from Angel Grove High School. Before they became the Dark Rangers, Justin, Zane, Bobby, Tina and Hilary were the newest bullies of Angel Grove High. As they ran into Tommy Oliver, Billy Cranston, and Zack Taylor after sending Bulk and Skull rolling towards them in garbage cans, the rangers were warned of their newest threats. The bullies thought Angel Grove belonged to them, and that was the special reason that Lord Zedd chose them to be his Dark Rangers. They met up with Jason Lee Scott, Kimberly Ann Hart, Billy, and Zack at the beach. Before they could fight each other, Zedd beamed the bullies to the Otherworld. Soon after the Green Crystal was filled with both green Morphin Energy and Dark Power, the gang finally became the Dark Rangers. The Power Rangers tried to tell them the truth about what Zedd would do, but the Dark Rangers didn't listen, having been completely infused with Dark Power. After the Green Ranger destroyed the crystal, their powers were gone and so were the Dark Rangers. When they transported back to Angel Grove they made peace with the Power Rangers and became their friends.Green No More (Revisited Series) Later, they were de-aged into children by their former master (while retaining their present memories and personalities thanks to Chronos and Mnemosyne) and trapped in a photograph by the Photomare monster, only to be freed later by Alpha 5 and restored to their normal ages in the Command Center.Small But Mighty Next, they accompanied the Power Rangers to Australia but are teleported by Dark Alpha into the Outback (and trapped in a column made of dark energy with the intent to torture them) but were freed by Alpha after the Rangers pooled their powers and restored him to normal.The Wedding (Revisited Series)