- The leather was a piece of a scrap tied up with a strip of leather.
- Leather is a and one of the main resources in the game. It is generated by the Textile Factory.
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Leather]] leþer, from Proto-Germanic *leþran (cf. West Frisian [[leare#|leare]], [[w:|]]/[[w:|]] leder, Swedish läder), from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Leather]] *letrom (cf. [[w:|]] lledr, [[w:|]] lethar), from pre-Celtic *péltrom, from Proto-Indo-European *pel- 'to beat'. More at anvil.
- Leather is an Item introduced in 0.6.0. It is used to Craft Leather Armor. Leather had no other use until Update 0.12.0, after which Leather was required for Books.
- Leatheria (tunnetaan myös soft leatherina, erottuu Hard leatherista) käytetään Käsityö taidossa että voisi tehdä nahka panssareita ja muita nahkaisia tavaroita. Nahkaa tehdään sillä tavalla että annat Tannerille lehmän nahan ja yhden kultarahan, hän antaa sinulle sen jälkeen Nahkaa. Tannereita löytyy Lumbridgestä, Al Kharidilta, Ranging Guildilta ja Crafting Guildilta.
- Leather is an item which may be made by going to the Tanner with 1 coin and a cow hide. A tanner is found in Al Kharid. If there is some thread and a needle in the player's inventory, it can be used to craft gloves, boots or armour by using the needle on the leather.
- Leather is an item that has been in the Lord of the Rings mod since Public Beta 1.
- Leather is a category of furniture.
- Leather is a crafting component in Fallout 4.
- Leather is a material used to make armor.
- Leather is a resource.
- Leather is a common crafting material. It drops and skins from many creatures, such as goblins, and is used primarily in tailoring leather armour and bags.
- Leather can mean a couple of things in World of Warcraft: 1.
* A type of skin ingredient item usually gathered with the Skinning profession from a skinnable corpse resource. These items can usually be used directly by the Leatherworking profession without prior processing or treatment. 2.
* A type of armor used by less fragile, more agile character classes, as compared cloth wearers. Generally better than Cloth armor for defense.See Weapons & Armor.
- Leather Boots Leather Cloak Leather Gloves Leather Hipster Pants Leather Hipster Shoes Leather Robe
- Some items in NetHack are made of leather. Leather items are vulnerable to burning and rotting.
- Leather on haarniskayttppi Clothin ja Mailin välissä. Leatheriä käyttävät Roguet ja Druidit, sekä Shamaanit ja Hunterit unnes pääsevät tasolle 40, jolloin he oppivat Mailin käytön. Usein mm. Hunterit käyttävät myös enemmän Rogueille tarkoitettua Leather-suojia niiden ison Agility ja Hit/Crit ratingin takia. Tällöin Intellect jää usein vähemmälle.
- Leather can mean a couple of things in World of Warcraft:
* 1. A type of skin ingredient item usually gathered with the Skinning profession from a skinnable corpse resource. These items can usually be used directly by the Leatherworking profession without prior processing or treatment.
* 2. A type of armor used by the less fragile, but more agile Class characters. Generally better than Cloth armor for defense.
- "Leather" is the eighth song on Tori Amos's 1992 debut album Little Earthquakes.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 967059
- Description Involves two things -- first skinning the animal, then tanning or the process of converting skin into leather. This creates a robust material which is used to make long-lasting clothing.
* Tower II
* dropped by Kobold, Cave Bear , Big Horned Sheep, Bison
* Leather Hat
* Leather Coat
* Leather Skirt
* Leather Pants
* Leather Belt
* Leather Boots
* Leather Armor
* High Heels
* Feral One Piece
* Feral Boots
* Feral Head Band
* Lace-up Long Boots
* Feral Pants
* Feral War Bonnet
* Feral Bracelet
* Feral Necklace
* Tights and Shoes
* Rose Boots
* Whip
- Leather can mean a couple of things in World of Warcraft: 1.
* A type of skin ingredient item usually gathered with the Skinning profession from a skinnable corpse resource. These items can usually be used directly by the Leatherworking profession without prior processing or treatment. 2.
* A type of armor used by the less fragile, but more agile Class characters. Generally better than Cloth armor for defense.See Weapons & Armor.
- Leather is an item obtained from dead Cows, Mooshrooms or Horses. It is used to craft armor and Books. Leather is the weakest tier of armor besides Gold but it may be harder to find than iron, due to the relative rarity of passive mobs. It is also use to make books.
- The Leather is an artifact from Heroes of Might and Magic IV, giving heroes +5 Melee and Ranged defense. The Leather the most rudimentary armor in the game, but also the cheapest. The good part about it is that, being so light, it doesn't reduce the mobility of the wearer (unlike other armors). For its price, the Leather is an excellent method to increase your hero's survivability - until better armors are found.
- The Leather is a component in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Leather is a material that can be crafted from five Rotten Chunks at a Work Bench. It is used solely in the crafting of the Archaeologist's Jacket and Pants. The Archaeologist's Hat cannot be crafted, and can only be obtained when dropped by Doctor Bones.
- Leather can be made into leather items, if the player has a needle and thread.
- Leather is a material created through the tanning of hides and skins of animals, primarily cattle hide. The tanning process converts the putrescible skin into a durable, long-lasting and versatile natural material.
- Skóry są otrzymywane poprzez skórowanie zwierząt. Aby oskórować zwierzę na danym poziomie wymagana jest odpowiednia liczba punktów umiejętności skórowania. Są używane głównie w garbarstwie, ale też w krawiectwie czy kowalstwie.
- Leather produces some environmental impact, most notably due to:
* Use of chemicals in the tanning process (e.g., Cr , formic acid, Hg and solvents)
* Air pollution due to the transformation process (H2S during dehairing and NH3 during deliming, solvent vapors) Leather biodegrades slowly—taking 25 to 40 years to decompose. However, vinyl and petro-chemical derived materials take 500 or more years to decompose. it takes 4,384,000 gallons of H2O to make one ton of leather
- Leather can be looted in many places or purchased from the following merchants:
* Fioravanti in Flotsam (also sells the diagram)
* Vilmos Bartok in Flotsam (also sells the diagram)
* Cedric in Lobinden
* Sendler in Lobinden
* Mottle outside Vergen
* Isidor Kay in the Kaedweni camp
* Myron in the Kaedweni camp (also sells the diagram)
* Relic peddler in the Kaedweni camp
* Earso in Vergen and Loc Muinne
* Felicia Cori in Vergen and Loc Muinne (also sells the diagram)
* Polycarp of Rinde in the Order of the Flaming Rose camp (also sells the diagram)
* The Incredible Lockhart in Loc Muinne (also sells the diagram)
* Falas in Loc Muinne (also sells the diagram)
- Leather is made by tanning the fresh skin of animals like pigs, dogs, cows and some of the other animals.You can also obtain leather from skins that would be finished into furs by choosing [D]e-hair (for rawhide/leather) before you start to tan them. Leather by itself is not worth very much. If you plan to trade leather, it is best to first turn it into some form of clothing, such as leather belts. Leather provides more damage resistance than fur, but is not as good at keeping warmth. Leather bearing animals include: Constructions requiring leather (optional for cords and bandages):
- Leather is a crafting-material that can be obtained from many creatures, most often from Pigsies, Night Pigsies and Night Hoglets - either by killing these creatures and looting from their Loot Bags, or by taming these creatures and harvesting from them after they became Pets. By taking Leather for the first time, the crafting-recipes for Leather Leggings, Leather Armguards, Leather Helmets and Leather Breastplates will be automatically unlocked at once.
- Leather is an item that was added in Alpha Release, along with the introduction of cows. Leather armor is the weakest armor but is the easiest to make for a starter set, due to leather being easily obtainable by killing cows. It can be acquired by killing cows or horses, which may drop 0-2 pieces of leather upon death with or without a weapon. In Pocket Edition and Windows 10 Edition, Leather can be used to craft Leather Horse Armor.
- Leather was a material made from the hide of some types of animals. In 2267, Spock described a sound he heard as "wood rubbing on some kind of leather." Gaetano believed it signaled a coming attack by the Taurus II anthropoids, but Boma disagreed, saying it could instead be a tribal rite. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven" ) In 2367, to explain Benjamin Maxwell's behavior, Jean-Luc Picard surmised that the captain had become so used to his anger that he was comfortable with it, as one might be with old leather. (TNG: "The Wounded" )