- A deer is a type of animal on Earth. They are common in forested areas. They are also one of the most common types of animals that are hunted.
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Deer]] dēor 'animal, beast', from Proto-Germanic *deuzan (cf. [[w:|]] dier, [[w:|]] Tier, [[w:|]] dyr), from Proto-Indo-European *dheusom 'living thing', from *dheus- 'to breathe' (cf. [[w:|]] dùsti 'to sigh', [[w:|]] душа (dušá) 'breath'); for semantic development compare [[w:|]] animalis 'animal' from anima 'breath, spirit'.
- Deer are animals found on the Rook Islands. Like goats, they have a high tendency to flee when they see the player or another threat (e.g. predators or vehicles). To hunt them, the crouched position is very useful, since it makes the player less detectable. Their hide can be used when crafting items. As said in their handbook entry, a deer corpse is a great way to lure an Asian Black Bear.
- The Deer is a mammal that roams some parts of the Lost Land. Its diet is mainly grass and possibly leaves and shoots. When alarmed it runs immediately for cover or runs a short distance.
- According to Angela, many deer have been killed by a certain mad red-eyed rabbit. Deer are an important part of a story included in a deleted scene in the Deluxe Edition of Brisingr. In the story, the Urgal Ahno the Trickster changed his form for that of a deer after he was unable to catch one. He lived as a deer for three years until his father, Svarvok, sent a pack of wolves to pursue him.
- The Deer will increase the following Chao stats
* Run
* Power
- The Ogre's wife can be seen holding a deer carcass in the forest, but will drop it to give chase if she sees Rosella. Later she can be seen preparing the rotting deer for dinner, in the kitchen of her home. Alexander saw a small fawn near the shores of the Isle of the Beast, feeding on a grassy hillock near the sea. The browsing deer of the Old Wood are part of Queen Ahi'aorina Culatha's life. Deers maybe infested with fat deer ticks.
- A deer is an animal.
- A herbivorous mamammal.
- As herbivores, deer are generally not aggressive.
- Cervidae is a family from the Artiodactyla order.
- Deer is a prey animal in Survivors.
- Deer were found all over Faerûn.
- There are many ways to interpret the deer: Choose if you are either a Male(boy) or a Female(girl), read under your gender's personality of the Deer carefully: The difference between a male and a female is that the male deer has horns/antlers on their heads, but the female does not.
- Deer were herbivorous four-legged animals found in the oro woods of Alderaan. They were small creatures, colored bright red with golden stripes. They fed on shoots in the undergrowth of the ancient forests. The Orowood botanical garden at Coruscant also had an oro wood forest with deer. In 8 ABY, New Republic diplomat Leia Organa and Prince Isolder toured the garden while the deer were grazing.
- Deer are huntable creatures found in Breath of Fire and Breath of Fire II. The Deer is an animal found in the first two installments of the Breath of Fire series. The Deer has no purpose in the game other than to be hunted. In the first Breath of Fire, the Deer will drop an Antler, Roast, Tendon, or Beef when shot with Bo/Bow's arrows or cornered causing it to spin and explode. Cornering a Deer can only be done in Breath of Fire.
- Toward the end of 1500, Rodrigo Borgia was charged by a stag during a hunting trip. The Kanien'kehá:ka Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton was adept at hunting deer and female elk, as well as fighting male elk. During his exploration of the North American frontier, he was informed of a buck rumored to be impervious to firearms, and of an overly aggressive elk. He successfully hunted both animals. Nikolai Orelov trained his son Kenya to hunt deer: however, Kenya found it difficult to kill the animal after shooting it, despite Nikolai's orders to end its suffering.
- The puppet appeared in several other episodes of the series, as well as John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together, the wedding sequence of The Muppets Take Manhattan, A Muppet Family Christmas, and episode 107 of The Jim Henson Hour. Another deer named Robert the Red Deer was seen in episode 124 of The Animal Show.
- The Deer is one of the animals that you can ride. The Deer is seen in the level Thieves' Forest, Abandoned Mill, and Rapids Ride. The deer cannot be ridden during the Thieves' Forest level. The deer has no offensive abilities. Also depending on the amount of players when you fall in the river and begin the rapids ride level a deer may be one of the animals used as a boat. On the Abandoned Mill level, look for the elusive Pooping Deer, one of the deer you ride in the Abandoned Mill level is propelled forward by its poop.
- see:
* Antelopes
- Deer are a passive mobs added in Public Beta 27. Upon death, they drop venison (File:Venison.png) and leather (File:Leather.png). They can be found in small herds of up to eight animals. There's male and female deer, with the males wearing antlers and the females not.
- Race: animal Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 10 Hit points: 5 Attack bonus: +0 Damage: d6 piercing damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/3 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) listen (4), spot (4) Feats: weapon proficiency (creature) Blueprint:(‡) nw_deer Craft drop: leather hide
- The webkinz Deer was released in August 2008. It doesn't have a Lil'Kinz version and has not been Pet of the Month yet. It was retired on the 28th of October 2008. Its special item is the Great Outdoors Window and its special food is the Buck Potluck. There is a virtual Figurine called the Golden Goal Deer Figure.
- Deer is a creature from Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes. It is one of the Sylvan faction's elite units. It attacks in three turns. Anwen will receive the deers when she and Findan learn where demons hide from Maethorn.
- Deer (鹿, Shika) is a species introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, along with hamsters. They consist of villagers with hooves for hands and feet. For gender differences, only male deer have antlers. There are ten deer villagers in total. Two are uchi, two are smug, two are lazy, one is jock, two are normal, one is snooty and one is cranky. There are no peppy deer.
- Deer are a native animal from the planet Earth. (SG1: "Tightrope") On another planet in a unnamed galaxy living there space deer which is a deer-like animal. (SG1: "The Hunt")
- Deer is the family of ruminant mammals. Its species include, among others, the moose, red deer, reindeer, fallow deer and roe deer. They are natural food for wolves, bears, panthers and other predators. None of those has been domesticated yet; however some members of the elder races are able to ride them. Members of the human cultures tend to hunt deers for food and fame. They are though protected in some areas, like surrounding of druid circles or royal forests - where only the nobility have a permission to hunt.
- Deer are creatures' found in the forest area. When killed, they can be looted for meat.
- Deer are common animals that frolic about in the woods.
- Deer are timid wanderers who never attack anything and can be found in all main as well as in some transition zones. Commonly seen strutting through the snow, they bound away whenever they detect the slightest hint of danger. Wolves kill deer on sight, so getting deer for yourself may often require stealing them from hungry wolves. A great source of food and materials, deer typically yield more than 9kg of rich meat and deerskin boots and deerskin pants can be crafted from its hide. Oddly, the character's sprint ability is actually sufficient to almost keep pace with a running deer. This is most useful for keeping them in sight if they are shot but do not die right away.
- The deer is a common forest animal. Many believe them to have symbolic or spiritual significance.
- Called by some the King of the Forests, these animals are also a good meat source. But unlike others, they will fight back if attacked. They can be found in the forests of Britannia.
- The tile is improved with a camp and adds 1 File:Health.gif to connected cities. Tiles with the Deer resource have additional File:Food.gif production.
- The Deer is an animal that lurks in the forests of Albion. They're commonly hunted by humanity in Albion.
- Deer are wild Animals that are under computer control. They usually move in packs. Unlike Camels, they do have a contribution for the player. Hunters can hunt them, and store them as meat in the Granary.
* Be careful how many hunters you place in the area at one time, or you may kill off the deer before they have long enough to reproduce.
- The Deer is a huntable animal in Age of Empires II, Age of Mythology, and Age of Empires III.
- Deers are four legged creatures responsible for more car damage and death than drunk driving, AIDS, and tiger attacks combined. The liberal media has historically portrayed deers in a positive light, which is always a warning sign. But until Stephen casts his judgement on these quadrupedal vegetarians, one cannot be too sure of these creatures.....but still they do seem to mind their own business.
- Deer are skinnable although typically only drop Ruined Leather Scraps with the occasional piece of Light Leather. Still, they can be an easy source of leather for very low level characters - although as a critter they do not reward xp, so perhaps your lowbie is better served hunting beasts!
- They can usually be found in the forested areas of Blaine County, but can also be spotted in all rural areas, with the exception being the Grand Senora Desert. Deer are one of the 15 animal species that can be hunted by Trevor Philips. The particular deer/elk found in the game resemble White-tailed deer, a common deer species all across the USA and into much of Canada.
- Deer are a race of animals from Breath of the Wild. Link can hunt them in the plains and forests across Hyrule. They are one of the few wild animals that Link can tame like horses; however, he cannot register them at a stable or equip them. Link can easily tell bucks and does apart, as bucks have large antlers, which they use to defend their territory and presumably for fighting other males during mating season.
- Deer, whose males were known as stags, were large, horned, quadruped mammals which were often the subject of taxidermy. As Hex observed, Joe Hartley's taxidermy workroom contained stuffed deer, including one that was in the process of being mounted. (AUDIO: Night Thoughts) Several deer were known to inhabit Swallow Woods. They seemed to be unaffected by the spatial and temporal pockets that were located in those woods. (PROSE: The Way Through the Woods)
- Deer are a group of sexual beasts, often rabid and universally unimaginably violent woodland creatures. Interestingly enough they often feed off of their own kind. They consider being hit by a car to be a sacred act of sacrifice. This sacrifice allows around three smaller deer to not need to feast again for a week. This is also their preferred method of reproduction, as once they have finished feasting, they are able to assemble from one to three new, smaller deer from the bones and assorted leftovers. This has caused them to flourish in wooded areas.
- In 1957, when a team of Vulcans crash-landed on Earth, their scanners detected two life signs approaching, and thought they were Humans. They were in fact deer, to which T'Mir commented "Fascinating." As they hadn't eaten in several days, Mestral considered capturing one and eating it, as it could sustain them for several days. However, Stron was disgusted at the thought of eating meat. (ENT: "Carbon Creek") While criticizing the furnishings of Lieutenant Uhura's quarters in 2268, Elaan, the Dohlman of Elas asked "Am I a soft Troyian fawn to need pillows to sit on?" (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius" )