- See the article at Bulbapedia.
- Accuracy is a suffix that can appear on Magic and Rare Items. It provides a moderate bonus to Dexterity. It can start spawning on items at Item Level 27, but will not be able to spawn on all items until level 46.
- Accuracy represents the probability of an attacking unit landing a successful hit on a defending unit. It is a percentage that is influenced by various factors, such as the attacking unit's hit rate or the defending unit's evade.
- Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Accuracy is a passive skill in the Bow skill line in The Elder Scrolls Online.
- Increases the monster's chance of hitting an enemy.
- Accuracy is
- Accuracy is a promotion in the Civilization games.
- Accuracy is a character's base chance to hit with attacks. This can be modified by blindness, as well as by a target's dodge percentage, but Accuracy is 100% for all characters by default.
- athletics is counted as running.
- Accuracy/Hit Chance is a weapon statistic in The Last Stand: Union City and The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Accuracy is the ability for a character (Main Character or Mercenary) to hit a target during physical attacks.
- Accuracy gives Hit rate. 93% Hit rate means you have 7% chance to hit miss.
- Accuracy neboli přesnost je dovednost, která za cenu SP zabraňuje missu. Takže pokud se jí naučíte a máte dostatek SP, nemuíte se bát, že minete nepřítele.
- Accuracy is the degree of correctness which a student achieves when using grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- According to Tiggs: Accuracy does two things:
* Determines probability of hitting the target.
* If your accuracy is greater than defensive skills of your target, you do additional damage. Level difference between the player and the target also has an effect on hitting and damage done. Your accuracy increases with skill mods associated with the weapon type. For example, your general ranged accuracy will improve as you learn Marksman skills, improving your chance to hit the target while wielding a ranged weapon. It is unclear whether posture still has an effect on accuracy.
- Accuracy is one of the 8 core attributes. This attribute defines a character's basic to hit and chance to critically hit an opponent while in combat. Accuracy is defined per weapon being held. Classes which have Dual-Wielding have their individual weapon accuracies, which can be individually affected by Consumables, slot items (e.g Manastone slots or Enchantment Stones). As with any attribute, Accuracy can be altered by Consumable items, such as Food, Potions, or by Spells.
- Accuracy ist ein Buff des Assists, den man mit lvl 30 bekommt. Er erhöht die Hitrate eines Spielers. Auf höchstem Level um 20%.
- Accuracy is the probability of a gag or cog move to hit. The chance of a hit depends on the accuracy of the gag as well as the level of the cog.
- Level: Foxus 3 Spell Resistance: no You have honed your abilities and you are unmatched in improvising for any situation. As a standard action, this makes available a floating "pool" of bonus points that the caster can use as desired to improve his or her odds of success at various tasks. This bonus pool consists of 2 points per level, which the caster can divide as desired among skill checks. The caster must declare any bonus-point usage before the appropriate rolls are made. Used points disappear from the pool, and any points remaining when the spell ends are wasted. These points count as luck bonuses for purposes of stacking. This technique lasts for 1 minute per level, or until the points are used up.
- Intuitively speaking, the word "accuracy" describes how far a player's shots will deviate from where the player (initially) puts the reticle. Unfortunately, in Borderlands, the term "accuracy" is used to describe any of several related game mechanics.
- Increases the damage you deal and your Hit Rating.
* Passive
* AP Cost : 34
* Increases direct damage dealt by 5% and increase Hit Rating by 75.
- Accuracy is a rogue and warrior talent from the Accuracy tree in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
- The ability to successfully peform an attack is determined by this attribute, several Skills have the ability to hinder Accuracy, however there is no Equipment, Spells nor Skills which provides any benefit aside from prevention of loss.
- Accuracy is a recurring stat and a fundamental variable that plays into determining the hit chance of most physical attacks and various other skills. It is not the sole determinant, being checked against the target's Evasion (or setting-specific variations or substitutes thereof). Accuracy is not normally a base stat of a character, but rather derived from one of the basic stats. Various equipment or skills may add Accuracy directly.
- Accuracy describes a weapon's ability to land shots close to where it's aimed, and how close to its reticle will multiple shots land over a given period of time. While some weapons—including full-automatic weapons—are capable of landing shots directly onto the center of their aiming reticle upon their first shot, a weapon's accuracy value determines the chance of these shots spreading away from the reticle: the lower the accuracy, the higher the chance of the shot straying off the reticle. Consequently, accuracy determines the weapon's shot deviation over multiple shots in a given period of time: a high accuracy weapon will see multiple successive shots land close to one another, while a low accuracy weapon will see the same shots spread out further apart in different directions.
- Accuracy is the measure of a character's aptitude at hitting a target. Code-wise, the Accuracy stat determines how effective a character is at striking the object that they are aiming at. A character's Accuracy is also greatly effected by the type of Defense Level that they choose to employ while in combat. A more conservative defense setting results in an Accuracy penalty, whereas more bold defense settings yield an Accuracy bonus, or 'buffs'. The chart below illustrates these buffs/debuffs:
- Accuracy, or ACC, is the offensive stat used to determine the odds of hitting a normal attack. Your current accuracy can be checked by going into the status window (Ctrl + A). Your base accuracy can be increased by spending points in the Dexterity stat. Certain onyxes can increase accuracy. Various weapons have different accuracy stats, positive or negative. There are no means of getting base accuracy on armor. Gold statted gloves can increase accuracy. It is possible to get accuracy as a mod stat. The higher your accuracy, the more likely you will hit a normal attack.
- Accuracy , usually abbreviated as ACC and also known as Hit, Hit Rate, Precision, and Attack%, is a recurring stat in the Final Fantasy series. Having a higher Accuracy can increase the likelihood that the player's attack will connect. Accuracy is generally compared against Evasion and Luck to determine hits and misses. Unlike physical attacks, magic spells usually have a set Hit Rate, except in Final Fantasy XI that uses a Magic Accuracy concept.
- Accuracy determines both a unit's ability to hit a target, and the size of the targeting circle. Innate Accuracy is the base accuracy a unit has, which increases as they level up. A tank's Innate Accuracy is its base accuracy (6 for Edelweiss, 10 for Shamrock) plus the effect of any accuracy-modifying Tank Upgrades. Actual accuracy is determine as Accuracy = Innate Accuracy x (100% + Accuracy Modifiers) For example, Wendy Cheslock has an innate accuracy of 56.5% at level 20. With the Potential Kamikaze (+60% accuracy) active, she has a modified accuracy of 90.4% (160% of 56.5).
- de:Präzision Accuracy is compared with an enemy's evasion to determine whether or not a character will land their next melee attack. Primarily, accuracy is affected by a character's combat skill and DEX attribute, while equipment, food, abilities and traits can modify it further. Accuracy = ⌊Combat Skill Contribution + DEX Contribution + Equipment + Traits + Abilities⌋ Note: "⌊X⌋" means to round the value of X down to the nearest whole number. Combat Skill: Dexterity:
* Accuracy := ⌊3*DEX/4⌋ Food: Notes: