| - Today, I decided to go to the local fast food joint, and see about this absolutely dandy new menu they released today. Being the fast food guru I am, I decided to see if those fucking kids knew what was on this reformed 'healthy' menu. I drove up to the drive thru, after waiting for 10 minutes because the driver infront of me couldn't decide on whether they wanted cream or milk in their coffee. Give me a fucking break. I finally drive up to the speaker, taking a gander on the screen of the order for the person ahead of me. $1.23 for a small coffee, no cream or milk. For the love of...
| - Today, I decided to go to the local fast food joint, and see about this absolutely dandy new menu they released today. Being the fast food guru I am, I decided to see if those fucking kids knew what was on this reformed 'healthy' menu. I drove up to the drive thru, after waiting for 10 minutes because the driver infront of me couldn't decide on whether they wanted cream or milk in their coffee. Give me a fucking break. I finally drive up to the speaker, taking a gander on the screen of the order for the person ahead of me. $1.23 for a small coffee, no cream or milk. For the love of... This menu was just asking to be abused, being it the first day of use. This took forever to do (must've been a newbie employee I had to deal with), but I'm going to recount it for you, just so I can vent about my experience. Anyways, without further adieu, this starts the damned story over the leek bun.