| - With apologies to Abbott and Costello Grami: Alright, now whaddya want? Yatsu: Now look, I'm Leading this Raid. I gotta know the raiders’ names. Do you know the guys' names? Grami: Oh sure. Yatsu: So you go ahead and tell me some of their names. Grami: Well, I'll introduce you to the boys. You know sometimes nowadays they choose peculiar names. Yatsu: You mean funny names. Grami: Nicknames, pet names, like Ihealz Unoob - Yatsu: His brother Ikillz - Grami: Ikillz Unoob - Yatsu: And their cousin! Grami: Who's that? Yatsu: Pwned! Grami: Pwned, huh? Now let's see. We have on the melee - we have Who's Main Tank, What's Off Tank, I Don't Know's DPS. Yatsu: That's what I wanna find out. Grami: I say Who's Main Tank, What's Off Tank, I Don't Know's DPS - Yatsu: You kn
| - With apologies to Abbott and Costello Grami: Alright, now whaddya want? Yatsu: Now look, I'm Leading this Raid. I gotta know the raiders’ names. Do you know the guys' names? Grami: Oh sure. Yatsu: So you go ahead and tell me some of their names. Grami: Well, I'll introduce you to the boys. You know sometimes nowadays they choose peculiar names. Yatsu: You mean funny names. Grami: Nicknames, pet names, like Ihealz Unoob - Yatsu: His brother Ikillz - Grami: Ikillz Unoob - Yatsu: And their cousin! Grami: Who's that? Yatsu: Pwned! Grami: Pwned, huh? Now let's see. We have on the melee - we have Who's Main Tank, What's Off Tank, I Don't Know's DPS. Yatsu: That's what I wanna find out. Grami: I say Who's Main Tank, What's Off Tank, I Don't Know's DPS - Yatsu: You know the fellows' names? Grami: Certainly! Yatsu: Well then who's Main Tank? Grami: Yes! Yatsu: I mean the fellow's name! Grami: Who! Yatsu: The guy Main Tank! Grami: Who! Yatsu: The Main Tank! Grami: Who! Yatsu: The guy playing Main Tank! Grami: Who is Main Tank! Yatsu: Now whaddya askin' me for? Grami: I'm telling you Who is Main Tank. Yatsu: Well, I'm asking YOU who's Main Tank! Grami: That's the player's name. Yatsu: That's who's name? Grami: Yes. Yatsu: Well go ahead and tell me. Grami: Who. Yatsu: The player who is Main Tank. Grami: Who! Yatsu: The Main Tank. Grami: Who is Main Tank! Yatsu: Have you got a armoury link for the Main Tank? Grami: Absolutely. Yatsu: Who do you put in the search? Grami: Well, naturally! Yatsu: When you give DPKs for the Main Tank every raid, who gets the points? Grami: Every point. Why not? The man's entitled to it. Yatsu: Who is? Grami: Yes. Sometimes his alt gets them. Yatsu: Who's alt? Grami: Yes. Yatsu: All I'm tryin' to find out is what's the guy's name doing the Main Tank role. Grami: Oh, no - wait a minute, don't switch 'em around. What is Off Tank. Yatsu: I'm not askin' you who's Off Tank. Grami: Who is Main Tank. Yatsu: I don't know. Grami: He's on DPS - now we're not talkin' 'bout him. Yatsu: Now, how did I get to DPS? Grami: You mentioned his name! Yatsu: If I mentioned the DPS player’s name, who did I say is on DPS? Grami: No - Who's Main Tank. Yatsu: Never mind Main Tank - I wanna know what's the guy's name on DPS. Grami: No - What's Off Tank. Yatsu: I'm not askin' you who's Off Tank. Grami: Who's Main Tank. Yatsu: I don't know. Grami: He's DPS. Yatsu: Aaah! Would you please stay on DPS and don't go off it? Grami: What was it you wanted? Yatsu: Now who's playin' DPS? Grami: Now why do you insist on putting Who on DPS? Yatsu: Why? Who am I putting on it? Grami: Yes. But we don't want him there. Yatsu: What's the guy's name on DPS? Grami: What is the Off Tank. Yatsu: I'm not askin' you who's Off Tank. Grami: Who's Main Tank. Yatsu: I don't know. Grami & :Yatsu: DPS! Yatsu: You got some healers? Grami: Oh yes! Yatsu: The Main Healer's name? Grami: Why. Yatsu: I don't know, I just thought I'd ask you. Grami: Well, I just thought I'd tell you. Yatsu: Alright, then tell me who's playin' Main Healer. Grami: Who is playing Mai- Yatsu: STAY OUTTA THE MELEE! I wanna know what's the Main Healer's name. Grami: What's Off Tank. Yatsu: I'm not askin' you who's Off Tank. Grami: Who's Main Tank. Yatsu: I don't know. Grami & Yatsu: DPS! Yatsu: The Main Healer's name? Grami: Why. Yatsu: Because! Grami: Oh, he's Spot Healer. Yatsu: Look, you gotta CCer on this raid? Grami: Now wouldn't this be a fine raid without a CCer. Yatsu: The CCer's name. Grami: Tomorrow. Yatsu: You don't wanna tell me today? Grami: I'm tellin' you now. Yatsu: Then go ahead. Grami: Tomorrow. Yatsu: What time? Grami: What time what? Yatsu: What time tomorrow are you going to tell me who's playing the CCer? Grami: Now listen. Who is not the CCer. Who is Main - Yatsu: I'll break your arm if you say Who's Main Tank. I wanna know what's the CCer's name. Grami: What's Off Tank. Yatsu: I don't know. Grami & Yatsu: DPS! Yatsu: You got a Puller? Grami: Oh, absolutely. Yatsu: The Puller's name. Grami: Today. Yatsu: Today. And Tomorrow's is the CCer. Grami: Now you've got it. Yatsu: All we've got is a couple of days on the Raid. Grami: Well, I can't help that. Yatsu: Well, I'm a Puller too. Grami: I know that. Yatsu: Now suppose that I'm Pulling, Tomorrow's CCing on my raid and the pull is ready. Grami: Yes. Yatsu: Tomorrow will CC the Adds. When it is time to pull, me being a Puller, I wanna pull and not get agro . So I Misdirect the mob and give the agro to who? Grami: Now that's the first thing you've said right. Yatsu: I don't even know what I'm talkin' about! Grami: Well, that's all you have to do. Yatsu: Is to Misdirect the agro to Main Tank. Grami: Yes. Yatsu: Now who's got it? Grami: Naturally! Yatsu: If I give the agro to Main Tank, somebody's gotta aggro it. Now who aggros it? Grami: Naturally! Yatsu: Who aggros it? Grami: Naturally. Yatsu: Who? Grami: Naturally! Yatsu: Naturally. Grami: Yes. Yatsu: So I Misdirect the agro and give it to Naturally. Grami: NO, NO, NO! You Misdirect the agro to the Main Tank and Who gets it? Yatsu: Naturally. Grami: That's right. There we go. Yatsu: So I Misdirect the agro and I give it to Naturally. Grami: You don't! Yatsu: I give it to who? Grami: Naturally. Yatsu: THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! Grami: You're not saying it that way. Yatsu: I said I give the agro to Naturally. Grami: You don't - you give the agro to Who? Yatsu: Naturally! Grami: Well, say that! Yatsu: THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! I give the agro to who? Grami: Naturally. Yatsu: Ask me. Grami: You give the agro to Who? Yatsu: Naturally. Grami: That's it. Yatsu: SAME AS YOU!! I give the agro to the Main Tank and who gets it? Grami: Naturally! Yatsu: Who has it? Grami: Naturally! Yatsu: HE BETTER HAVE IT! I throw the agro to Main Tank. Whoever it is grabs agro while What picks up the add and holds it. Who holds the main mob while I don’t know does DPS. Tomorrow CC’s the other add. Main target is dead, Who switches to What’s target while I don’t know DPSs. Finally Tomorrow stops CC and I don’t know does DPS while Who and What help out, all mobs dead. Grami: Yes. Yatsu: Next Pull – It goes bad. Why? I don't know. Who is dead and I don't give a darn! Grami: What was that? Yatsu: I said I don't give a darn! Grami: Oh, that's our Master Looter.