| - A Hunger strike is a form of protest where a person, often with no other recourse, uses the threat of their own death and subsequent publicity as a bargaining tool. They refuse food, but may take water and nutritious fluids, depending on the terms they set. A healthy hunger striker receiving only water will die after four or more weeks. A death fast is similar, but the striker refuses fluids as well. With no water or food, death occurs at eight to ten days.
| - A Hunger strike is a form of protest where a person, often with no other recourse, uses the threat of their own death and subsequent publicity as a bargaining tool. They refuse food, but may take water and nutritious fluids, depending on the terms they set. A healthy hunger striker receiving only water will die after four or more weeks. A death fast is similar, but the striker refuses fluids as well. With no water or food, death occurs at eight to ten days. While hunger-striking can lead to severe medical conditions and death, the purpose and focus of partisan medical aid is to support the striker’s dignity.
* The supporter should not focus on convincing the striker to make lifestyle changes and do his strike in the “healthiest” way possible. Nor should the supporter try to convince the striker that “it’s time to back down,” or conversely, “never back down.”
* The supporter should strive to be consistent and worthy of trust, and to support the striker’s decisions;
* To understand clearly the striker’s goals, felt needs, and fears;
* To listen to the striker as he works through his conflicts, decisions, and fears;
* To unfailingly advocate for the striker, always describing his demands alongside his health condition;
* To work to build medical, legal, and public support for the striker.