| - Breezepelt; MY FATHER DOSEN'T LOVE ME!!! Crowfeather; Yes, I don't Stay away from me Breezepelt; No Crowfeather; Yes Breezepelt; No Crowfeather; Yes Breezepelt; No Crowfeather; Yes Breezepelt; No Breezepelt; No Crowfeather; Yes Breezepelt; No Crowfeather; Yes Breezepelt; No Crowfeather; Yes Breezepelt; No Crowfeather; Yes Breezepelt; Mua hahahhahahahahah!!! Firestar; Guys, I think you need professional help Crowfeather and Breezepelt; NO Firestar; Yes Crowfeather and Breezepelt; NO Firestar; Yes Crowfeather and Breezepelt; NO Firestar; Yes Crowfeather and Breezepelt; NO Firestar; Yes Crowfeather and Breezepelt; NO Firestar; Yes Tigerclaw; THIS ISN'T HELPING ME TAKE OVER THE CHAT ROOM!!! Goldenflower; NOT AN EXAMPLE TO SET FOR KIDS, hoooooonnnney buuuuun Tigerclaw; NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Jayfeather; Can this get more stupid? Breezepelt; Yes, you just joined in Everyone; BURN Jayfeather; Not really... Sasha; Goldenflower!!!! Back off HE'S MINE!!!!! Crowfeather; Aug save me from fussing she-cats Leafpool; I will Feathertail; No I will Nightcloud; Back off, I will Dovepaw; I WILLLLLLL!!! Crowfeather; Okay Dovepaw Leafpool Nightcloud & Feathertail; WHAT!!!!! Tigerclaw; Hello? Your pulling the attention from the center of the chat - Me!! Crowfeather; Hush up Tigerclaw; NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I SHALL KILLZ YOU!! Crowfeather; EEEEKKKK!!Member Crowfeather has logged off Sasha; Get 'em Tigerclaw!!! Tigerclaw; I thought we broke up because of that.... Leafpool; Yeah, he's so cute right Everyone;... Leafpool; I did NOT mean to press the 'submit' button Member Leafpool has logged off Dovepaw; This is boooooooooooooooooooooooooring Firestar; No it's not Dovepaw; Yes, it is Firestar; No it's not Dovepaw; Yes, it is Firestar; No it's not Dovepaw; Yes, it is Firestar; Grrr FORGET IT Member Firestar has logged off Dovepaw; Whatever Member Dovepaw has logged off Feathertail; StarClan is very boring, I mean, there's no sickness, no shortage of prey, no cold, it's booooooooooring Tigerclaw; Then maybe you should stay at the Dark Forest with me for a while Feathertal; EEEEEEEP! Member Feathertail has logged off Tigerstar; Sasha, Goldenflower? By the way, I got a new mate Tigerstar; Yeah, it's Nightcloud Nightcloud; Yes, he finally picked me yes!!! Tigerstar;... Nightcloud; Man, that submit button is very sensitive Member Nightcloud has logged off Tigerclaw; Jayfeather I know your there...wait how are you here your blind Jayfeather; *Gasp* you found out the TRUTH Member Jayfeather has logged off Tigerclaw; I'M THE ONLY ONE HERE *sobs* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NO ONE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!