| - The Cajuns are exiles from the planet Beaucoupdespiceyhot and some from the moon Toobosko. They landed on Earth in search of "dat stuff" then they came to settle in the American state of Louisiana. Yes it's a state. They were exiled because of their practice of the forbidden "oeeseiidx" (Beaucoupdespiceyhotian word for Voodoo magic). “Hoo-hoo! Boo-Boo, do that voodoo that you do so beaucoup, Mr. Magoo-poo.”~ Oscar Wilde on Voodoo "cher dats a good looking babay" The Earth's atmosphere is different from the one on Beaucoupdespiceyhot, and this simple fact has a number of awesome side effects. For instance, the Cajuns have the power of flight and lazer vision, as well as the ability to uberpwn even the most 1337 of gamers. The Cajuns must be careful in using their powers, however, because if the world knew just what they were capable of Major World Leaders would be frightened and the Cajuns would be harshly mistreated (similar to the X-Men). Cajuns are so stubborn, their immune systems outwit the likes of malaria, swine flu, the so-called bird flu, and yellow fever; to them, mosquitoes are just mosquitoes and barely notice their sorry attempts to feed. This ability allows them to settle in their favorite environments, such as swamps, bogs, marshes, and the southern coastlines.