| - [Ashley follows Alexei down the train tunnel. Druitt leans down to Alexei from a station platform, a train comes and Ashley has to dodge it. When the train is gone Alexei and Druitt are gone] [An apartment building. Cut to inside and someone is in the shower] WILL Hello? [Someone flushes a toilet and then Will gets hit with really hot water] WILL Okay, who the hell just used my can? [A big hairy, clawed hand opens the shower curtain. Will yells and faints] [Cut to opening sequence] [A car pulls up to the Sanctuary gates someone enters a security code and the gates open and they drive through] [Cut to the train station, a station guard comes down the steps] GUARD Hey, station's closed pal. Buddy what the hell's going on? You know what? I don't want to know. You stay put. [calls on his radio] GUARD Control 4 this is Rail Check 2. I've got a pickup on south bound platform... [Druitt stabs the guard with his sword stick] DRUITT Privacy, if you please. We're just getting to know each other [cut to Will in bed unconscious, he startles awake] WILL Oh, I'm so sick of that. [looks around and doesn't recognise where he is] WILL WILL my friend, you are on fire tonight. [He gets out of bed and goes to look at some old pictures across the room] HELEN Good. You're awake WILL Considering I'm looking at a photo of you and Joe Louis, ah, I don't think so HELEN I apologise for my boldness this evening WILL Woman from earlier. Creepy house. Whacked photos. Probably working through some childhood stuff. Bed wetting issues, night fears. Huh, still, this is good stuff even for me. [Will gets back in bed obviously thinking he's still dreaming] HELEN Dr Zimmerman I assure you I am real, as is this place and everything in it. WILL No. See, that's impossible. Because if this place is real and I did pass out here then that means that ...... [Bigfoot enters room with a tea tray] WILL Oh God. [Will faints] [Cut to train guard tied up by chains] DRUITT I love the dark. It's such a wonderful feeling letting the blackness envelope you. Hide you, protect you from harm. I know all too well what it is like to be different. To have others hate me, fear me. The way he fears you . Fulfil your desires, to your hearts content, hmmm. On one condition, I need your help to find an old friend. [Alexei attacks the man who screams] [Cut to Will waking up in bed again] HELEN My manservant seems to have a profound impact on you WILL Yeah, if you call 15 years of therapy down the drain profound. HELEN My patients and I are unused to visitors. I should have given you some warning I suppose WILL That thing is your patient? HELEN Former patient actually. After I removed more than a few bullets from his body he refused to leave. So I gave him a position on my staff but I must say he brews tea as poorly as a short order cook WILL He flushed me out of my shower HELEN Did he use your toilet? Oh that is so annoying I'll be sure to have a word with him. WILL No, no it's not the toilet flushing that bothers me. It's the kidnapping and the fact that he's a... HELEN Well he can't help who he is WILL OK. You know what? This has been great but I'm overdue for a round of heavy drinking and some tranquillisers. So, if I could just have my clothes, please. HELEN As you wish, but outside that door are creatures that make my butler seem like a house cat by comparison. Sanctuary For All is not an empty motto. Scone? [Cut to rail tunnel. Two people are walking the tracks with torches (flashlights)] GUARD 1 Rail Check 2 this is Blue Rider 9, respond. Respond Rail Check 2. Nothing. GUARD 2 I hate this goddamn sector GUARD 1 Hey, no one likes working under old city. Too many bad memories. Well if this guy caught an Express he could be up in Gunns Landing for all we know or Sentinel Green GUARD 2 Checking the switches there on number 4 line near 149th I'm thinking he didn't go far GUARD 1 Yeah, yeah. [They see a body on the track] GUARD 1 I'm thinking you're right [cut to Sanctuary] WILL So you're a doctor of what exactly? HELEN Depends on the patient of course WILL Of course HELEN You spent 8 years of your life studying medicine, for what? So you could practice a profession that has almost nothing to do with the reality of the world around you? WILL Whoa! How about a little context with that character assassination? HELEN That, I can provide. HELEN I specialise in teratology among other things WILL I'm sorry, teratology? HELEN Combined with healthy doses of cryptozoology and xenobiology as well. When the need arises. Please. [Will looks at the various inhabitants of Sanctuary] HELEN Teratology, from the Greek "teras", meaning hideous creature, deformity, unknown being. TWO-FACED GUY (pretty face) New guy. Hey, new guy! TWO-FACED GUY (ugly face) New guy... NEW GUY! HELEN Stop it! Both of you. I apologize, they're incorrigible. WILL None of these things are running around free, right? HELEN Don't be ridiculous. Exercise time isn't for another two hours. [Cut to sitting room] HELEN The purpose of this institute is to find and help the unfortunate creatures of this world. And Dr Zimmerman, I believe there is a vital role for you to play here. WILL You want me to help you capture monsters? HELEN I prefer to call them abnormals. Please. You find my offer amusing? WILL Yes HELEN Because you're afraid. WILL You work with monsters! HELEN I work with sentient beings, each worthy of the same respect that humans, even animals, receive automatically. They are the key to the evolution of our race, and yet we revile them, destroy them, and worst of all, pretend they don't even exist. But they are out there Dr Zimmerman. Lost, like children, misunderstood, hunted. Are they really so different from the outcasts you treat every day? You knew Mr Tolson was telling you the truth and in that one moment I saw that you were capable of so much more. WILL I believed some of his story. That doesn't make me Jeckyll to your Hyde or whatever the right combo is HELEN Open your eyes! Good doctors come and go. But the really great ones have always seen beyond the boundaries of science. Beyond the known. The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable. [Cut to crime scene with the body in the tunnel] HELEN He must be close WILL Who? HELEN Our quarry [Helen & Will enter another tunnel through a metal grate] WILL So how'd you know the killer's next victim would be down here and not, you know , up.. uptown HELEN I have my sources WILL Could you be a little more cryptic please because I was starting to feel in the loop there and we wouldn't want that HELEN Our subject is unused to human contact. He would seek refuge in these catacombs if only for the solitude. Plus I have a Police scanner [Helen stops and picks up a leaflet] WILL And how did you know the victim was the work of the subject? ASHLEY Because I've been tracking the little dweeb all night. Hi HELEN With very little success I'm afraid ASHLEY Well that's because someone else was down here. Tall dude, moves faster than me, if that's possible [Will spots something and moves away] HELEN What did he look like? ASHLEY Bald, trenchcoat, ah I didn't see much WILL Uh, guys! Hey, hey ah, it's OK. It's OK. [Alexei lashes out and Ashley knocks Will out of the way and goes to shoot Alexei] HELEN Stop! We need him alive. We want to help you. Do you understand me? [Alexei lashes out at Ashley] WILL Hey, hey. Ah, over here, over here. Yeah that's it, that's it. OK, easy, a little help here please. [Helen shoots Alexei with a dart] WILL You OK? ASHLEY I'm fine HELEN Far from it. This chaos was completely avoidable ASHLEY Give me a break! I've been avoiding cops, ghouls and God only knows what else in stinky dark tunnels all night. I need food and I need a bath, I don't need a lecture. WILL OK, so I'm getting that you two know each other HELEN Dr Zimmerman, this is Ashley, my daughter [Cut to Sanctuary end title]