| - Koba byla planeta v sektoru Narrant na Středním okraji, brázděná hlubokými zlomy a roklemi, vytvořenými tektonickou činností.. Kolonie, které na ní založili lidé, byly kolem 300 PřBY obsazeny válečnými pány Tulakem a Kalutem. Desítky let na ní působila padawan a později mistryně Jedi Yaddle.
- Koba was a Fraquid archer who led a group of mercenaries called the Fang in Libaterra during the events of the Rose of the Desert. He and his group worked for the highest bidder in various assignments, some of which ended up shaping the history of Libaterra.
- [Source] Koba est une planète du secteur Narrant dans la Bordure Médiane. Le maître de Yaddle, Polvin Kut mourut sur cette planète en 232 av.BY.
- Small Monkey-like Creature with a leather-like Skin and large eyes,Kobas possess sharp claws, which they use like Darts to incapacitate food source. Once struck by a Koba-Claw, a victim falls into near-death Coma for two three Days, but awakens with no permanent damage. Kobas have a great talent for mimicry. They are friendly toward those who are friendly to them, but are quick to defend themselves against possible Predators.
- * koba ; (Dé latí cubāre, akohtarze). F. Kolokiá. Embuhte graziózo. 2. Kolokiá. Alago o adulazión interezáo. Dá O dahle koba a argien. Categoría:Artíkuloh ehkritoh zegún l'orzión Abd Allah al Malah[[categOría: vOkabulariO dela lengua 'ndaluza]]
- Koba is an altered bonobo with a strong hatred for humans, stemming from years of abuse and neglect. He had a scar over his blind left eye and looks more feral than the other apes held at Gen-Sys Laboratories. He was an antihero in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and the main antagonist of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Koba is also a minor antagonist of MYCUN: The Movie and the current main antagonist of the MYCUN series since Legend of MYCUN. He is Caesar and Gabriel Garza's archenemy.
- Koba is a character featured in the film Turok: Son of Stone.
- The Koba is a semi-sapient creature native to G889.
- Koba was a planet on the Cerean Reach in the Mid Rim. It was ravaged by Tulak the Advozse warlord, but later protected from his son Kalut by Jedi Knight Yaddle.
- Koba (コバ Koba?) is a cyberphysician who was the team doctor for Team Spandau.
- Koba is a minor character in Rise of the Planet of the Apes and the hidden main antagonist of the blockbuster sequel, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. He is an aggressively violent and sadistic Bonobo ape who is considered to be a dark counterpart to the main protagonist, Caesar, whom he initially respected. He was formerly friends but later the arch-nemesis of Caesar for Koba's betrayal and his devilish attempts to destroy the human race.
- Koba was an altered bonobo with a strong hatred for humans, stemming from years of abuse and neglect. He had a scar over his blind left eye and looks more feral than the other apes held at Gen-Sys Laboratories. Koba was liberated from captivity during the Ape Rebellion and eventually became a prominent member of Caesar's colony of apes, as well as a member of the Ape Council, and one of the commanders in the Ape Army. He was initially a staunch ally of Caesar, but later became disillusioned with him after seeing his compassion and sympathy towards humans. This resentment leads to him overthrowing Caesar and leading the apes to war with humanity. Koba's actions lead to a battle with his former friend that resulted in his defeat and death.