| - Nelson is a 15 year old high school drop out who is married to the 51 year old EDM/punk/dubstep singer/Drug Gangs! Lead Prostitute/pr0nstar Sarah Simpson after getting paid 5 bucks to get her pregnant with a baby he didn't even want named Janet Muntz. He first met Sarah when she was earning pennies a day while she performed perverted acts in front of jail as a member of the sex-noise band Punk Town and held the position of Lead Prostitute for the Drug Gangs! gang Pink Fuzzing. Sometime later, he found out that he was Sarah's cousin when a half-faced baby was born.
- Nelson Mandela Muntz is the tertiary antagonist of the TV Series and a child citizen of Springfield. He is the leader of the bullies at Springfield Elementary School (despite being the youngest and shortest), although usually seen and acting independently. He is a fourth grader.
- Nelson Muntz è un personaggio della serie dei cinesi naturalizzati americani. Egli è uno studente della celeberrima sqcuola della città di Springfield, conosciuto da tutti come scolaro modello e grande contributore al controllo demografico delle teste d'uovo presenti nella scuola, che nonostante i vari tentativi da parte del preside/Berretto verde mammone Seymour Skinner, continuano a crescere in modo esponenziale. Oltre a questo, è conosciuto anche come fondatore del movimento filosofico artistico dello Sfottòismo, iniziato con un semplice Ha-ha ad un secchione investito da una falciatrice fino a raggiungere l'apice ad un autoHa-ha allo specchio dopo essere stato incriminato e condannato per stupro.
- Nelson Muntz är en elev på Springfield Elementary School. Förut var han en av Bart Simpsons värsta fiender, men de är numera för det mesta vänner. Nelsons röst görs av Nancy Cartwright.
- Nelson Muntz is the quinary antagonist and at the same time an anti-hero from TV Series, The Simpsons. Sometimes he seems arrogant, violent and oppressive, but he is also able to be a good guy other times. In fact, he is sometimes friendly with Bart, they ofter have fun together. Although at time, he may seem rude, deep down, he is depressed because of his life as a poor. He also appeared in The Simpsons Movie. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright.
- thumb|250px Nelson Muntz est une des brutes de l'école de Springfield. Il fait partie de la classe de Bart Simpson.
- Nelson Mandela Muntz è un personaggio de I Simpson. È lo stereotipo del classico bulletto americano. Frequenta la scuola elementare di Bart e Lisa ed ama terrorizzare i ragazzi più piccoli di lui, ed in particolare i "secchioni". Personaggio abbastanza violento, ride sempre delle disgrazie altrui emettendo il suo tipico verso-tormentone («Ha-ha!»). Il padre di Poppa (e quindi il nonno di Nelson), ormai deceduto, era un severissimo giudice che ha condannato tantissime persone alla pena di morte.
- Nelson became a bully because his father is a drunk mofo while his mother is a drug dealer that also no life. This forced him to eat rats every day and smoke weed as well. Due to this, Nelson is just a douche with no life. He picks on people with actual money rather than counterfeit money. Unfortunately, Nelson died in 2022 after he became a gangster. During a bank robbery, Bart Simpson shot him.
- Nelson Muntz is a recurring major antagonist in The Simpsons series. He is Bart's friend and rival. Although the relationship between the two can vary - normally Nelson is Bart's enemy and one of the few bullies Bart actually fears. Nelson also tends to act alone, unlike the other bullies of the show (Jimbo Jones, Dolph, and Kearney) - he is also more openly hostile towards everyone in the town, while the other bullies tend to show some (limited) respect to the adults of the town.
- Kategorie:Charakter Nelson Muntz auch bekannt als Nelson Mandela Muntz, Falke oder Schwellkopf Matsch (Wie ihn Krusty einmal genannt hat), ist einer der Schulschläger. Seine Kumpels sind Jimbo Jones, Dolph und Kearney.