| - The Escher Vault is a massive, shifting, labyrinthine vault within Warehouse 13, holding the personal effects of cryogenically bronzed individuals, in a manner similar to, but far less accessible than, the Warehouse Personnel Quarters Archive. H. G. Wells broke into the Vault in 2010 with the help of James MacPherson, and used the Imperceptor Vest to navigate the Vault to retrieve her personal effects. Later that day Mrs. Frederic and Artie entered the Vault, using the special goggles, and noticed that some of Wells' belongings were missing.
| - The Escher Vault is a massive, shifting, labyrinthine vault within Warehouse 13, holding the personal effects of cryogenically bronzed individuals, in a manner similar to, but far less accessible than, the Warehouse Personnel Quarters Archive. The Vault was designed, no doubt, by Maurits Cornelis Escher, based on his own surrealistic artwork, in his capacity as a co-creator of WH13. Getting into the vault isn't very difficult, but as the elements of the Vault shift so rapidly it'd take a life time for someone to navigate their way out. H. G. Wells used her Imperceptor Vest to move through the vault faster than its' pathways could change. There's also a pair of specially-designed goggles that allow their wearer to see the correct path through the vault. A Warehouse 13 agent went inside the vault 20 years ago, driven by curiosity, and still hasn't been able to find his way out. H. G. Wells broke into the Vault in 2010 with the help of James MacPherson, and used the Imperceptor Vest to navigate the Vault to retrieve her personal effects. Later that day Mrs. Frederic and Artie entered the Vault, using the special goggles, and noticed that some of Wells' belongings were missing.