| - ShiShi is a contruction material made out of the white sand from Tsuki Heiya mixed with a secret ingredient and water.
- Monster Rancher 2: It is said that anyone bitten by it will be lucky for a year.
- Shishi are Chinese guardian lions which name literally translate to "stone lion". They are large stone statues that are believed to hold protective powers where every they are placed. Commonly they are placed in front of temples, palaces, and the homes of those who are wealthy.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Shishi – miejsce występujące w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
- Shíshī (石狮/石獅) are also known as Fu/Foo Lions, Lions of Buddha, or Chinese guardian lions. They are a mythological Chinese lion, though many depictions of them bear more similarity to dogs than felines. In India, the male’s open mouth is said to be voicing an “A”, the female a “M”. Together, the two shíshī speak the sacred word “Om” or “AUM”.
- right|thumb|250px|Koma Inu Shishi (língua chinesa: 石獅子 , é um elemento cinoforme presente nos templos chineses, habitualmente em pedra. Traduzido como "leão", mas também pode se referir a cão, com poderes mágicos e a capacidade de repelir espíritos maléficos. Um par de shishi, tradicionalmente, monta guarda do lado de fora dos portões dos templos shinto e templos budistas (embora templos sejam mais freqüentemente guardados por protetores Nio). O shishi aparece com sua boca aberta (para assustar os demônios) ou fechada (para abrigar e manter os bons espíritos).
- A Shishi (properly rendered shíshī in pinyin, litterally "stone lion") is a feature in the architecture and culture of China and other countries of the region, such as Korea, Japan, Tibet and Indochina. While technically stone golems, Shishi occupy a special position in that they are fantastic renditions of a real creature, Golems#Fantastic Golems. Because of their ritual and symbolic significance, Shishi have the traits and abilities ascribed to them in culture and possess various magical properties. Contrast this with usual golems, which, irrespective of what they depict, are limited to the movement and skills of their golem nature, rather than the nature of what they depict. So far, all shishi that have appeared have been affiliated with the ice element, though this is by no means enfor