| - A highly-polluted planet in an unknown location from what appears to have been another Session of BZPB, Alternia is the homeworld of Vriska Serket and almost certainly Sollux Captor, being a member of the same race as the former. Youths of the main race on Alternia were, at least at the time of Vriska's flashbacks, placed in the care of monstrous creatures known as lusus. The reason why is yet unknown. As well, it appears that this same race were/are nocturnal. As of Vriska's final dreaming flashback, it would appear that Alternia was destroyed when it was leveled by faling meteors; only a handful of its inhabitants somehow managed to survive.
- Alternia is an island much wanted by the Army of Darkness. It was conquered several times by the Army. Alternia is most famous for its huge role in The Past. It is also the original home of Vican, Karruk, Bomber, Zonik, Zylek, and AlexT.
- The Alternia we observe is part of a post-scratch reality. Originally the planet had the name Beforus, and possessed a caste system in which the highbloods coddled and cared for the lower bloods, a more peaceful but weaker world. It had only a pink moon. However, post-scratch they gained Doc Scratch as a first guardian and he artificially introduced the green moon, as well as Gl'bgolyb who would become the lusus of the Condesce and later Feferi. The threat of global extinction allowed the Condesce (or perhaps an even earlier Empress) to set up a system of oppression based on blood color, which was rebelled against on a large scale on at least two occasions. The second rebellion resulted in the banishment of all adult trolls into outer space, to conquer new planets. As a result Alternia is
- Alternia is a dark, gray planet on which Trolls (not to be confused with Trollfaces/Trollers) originated. It appears to have two moons, one green, and the other, pink (which in fact has a satellite of its own). Originally named Beforus, it was a more peaceful planet inhabited by a more peaceful race of trolls. After being "scratched," the planet's history was completely re-written by it's first guardian Doc Scratch, ensuring their victory in SGRUB as well as the arrival of LFile:EnglishO.gifrd English by making them a more aggressive race, as they remain today. A rebellion on Alternia resulted in the banishment of all adult members of the troll species from Alternia, to conquer new planets for trollkind. As a result, Alternia is only inhabited by troll children.
- The Alternia we observe is part of a post-scratch reality, resulting from a type of "universal reset" known as a scratch, initiated by twelve trolls playing a realityaltering video game called Sgrub. When their game session became impossible to win, they decided to reset their entire universe. Originally the planet had the name Beforus, and was a very peaceful place populated by similarly peaceful trolls. It had only one moon, which was pink. Post-scratch they gained Doc Scratch as a first guardian and he "rewrote" the entire history of the planet, ensuring that the trolls would excel at playing Sgrub this time, by turning them into an aggressive, warlike race. He set up a caste system based on blood color, which was rebelled against on a large scale on at least two occasions. The second r
| - Alternia is a dark, gray planet on which Trolls (not to be confused with Trollfaces/Trollers) originated. It appears to have two moons, one green, and the other, pink (which in fact has a satellite of its own). Originally named Beforus, it was a more peaceful planet inhabited by a more peaceful race of trolls. After being "scratched," the planet's history was completely re-written by it's first guardian Doc Scratch, ensuring their victory in SGRUB as well as the arrival of LFile:EnglishO.gifrd English by making them a more aggressive race, as they remain today. A rebellion on Alternia resulted in the banishment of all adult members of the troll species from Alternia, to conquer new planets for trollkind. As a result, Alternia is only inhabited by troll children. The troll race can be considered a slightly different, more aggressive race of humans, but more differences are evident than simply certain behavior. Trolls for one a completely reproductively different from mankind, the process being combining genetics in a "filial pail" that is sent to a mother grub, who combines the genetic material, and lays thousands of eggs that will later hatch into grubs. Trolls who are unable to mate will be culled, to ensure genetic superiority. Trolls' skin is a grey color. Each troll has orange horns of many different shapes and sizes. As well, each troll, from an early point in childhood onward, bears a unique symbol (like the zodiac symbols seen on the Hivebent trolls). The hierarchy of troll civilization is based on blood color, each troll belonging to one of four blood color divisions on the hemospectrum:
* BUOY - Burgundy/Umber/Ocher/Yellowgreen
* OJA - Olive/Jade/Aqua
* CIP - Cerulean/Indigo/Purple
* Royal-V - Violet and Fuchsia/Sea trolls While the reddish colors are being the lowest of castes, they are able to possess psychic abilities (such as communing with the dead, with wildlife, etc.), but are in turn more susceptible to it, which is the reason why they die first to any other caste not because of their lifespan, but also as "demonstrated" by the Vast Glub under command of the Empress's lusus. As one goes higher in the hemospectrum, they are more physically "resilient" and in turn more violent than others (like most purple-bloods are to be constrained by Sopor Slime rather constantly). As such, the Fuchsia blood color is usually the one to be in the throne, as they tend to live exponentially longer than those in lower ones. Apart from trolls, Alternia is home to a numerous amount of colorless, monstrous creatures that roam the landscape. Some of these creatures attach themselves to trolls at the grub stage, becoming their caretaker in return for care from said troll later in life. When the creatures are in a relationship with a troll in such a way, it is called a lusus (lusii plural).
- A highly-polluted planet in an unknown location from what appears to have been another Session of BZPB, Alternia is the homeworld of Vriska Serket and almost certainly Sollux Captor, being a member of the same race as the former. Youths of the main race on Alternia were, at least at the time of Vriska's flashbacks, placed in the care of monstrous creatures known as lusus. The reason why is yet unknown. As well, it appears that this same race were/are nocturnal. As of Vriska's final dreaming flashback, it would appear that Alternia was destroyed when it was leveled by faling meteors; only a handful of its inhabitants somehow managed to survive.
- Alternia is an island much wanted by the Army of Darkness. It was conquered several times by the Army. Alternia is most famous for its huge role in The Past. It is also the original home of Vican, Karruk, Bomber, Zonik, Zylek, and AlexT.
- The Alternia we observe is part of a post-scratch reality. Originally the planet had the name Beforus, and possessed a caste system in which the highbloods coddled and cared for the lower bloods, a more peaceful but weaker world. It had only a pink moon. However, post-scratch they gained Doc Scratch as a first guardian and he artificially introduced the green moon, as well as Gl'bgolyb who would become the lusus of the Condesce and later Feferi. The threat of global extinction allowed the Condesce (or perhaps an even earlier Empress) to set up a system of oppression based on blood color, which was rebelled against on a large scale on at least two occasions. The second rebellion resulted in the banishment of all adult trolls into outer space, to conquer new planets. As a result Alternia is a planet populated by children. All of which was the intended outcome of Doc Scratch's minor alterations, ensuring that the trolls would excel at playing Sgrub by turning them into an aggressive race, as well as ensuring the arrival of his master. Alternia was destroyed by meteors due to the Reckoning and eventually repopulated with exiles from the trolls' session. As such, the Intermission takes place on Alternia. See also: Future Alternia
- The Alternia we observe is part of a post-scratch reality, resulting from a type of "universal reset" known as a scratch, initiated by twelve trolls playing a realityaltering video game called Sgrub. When their game session became impossible to win, they decided to reset their entire universe. Originally the planet had the name Beforus, and was a very peaceful place populated by similarly peaceful trolls. It had only one moon, which was pink. Post-scratch they gained Doc Scratch as a first guardian and he "rewrote" the entire history of the planet, ensuring that the trolls would excel at playing Sgrub this time, by turning them into an aggressive, warlike race. He set up a caste system based on blood color, which was rebelled against on a large scale on at least two occasions. The second rebellion resulted in the banishment of all adult trolls into outer space, to conquer the rest of the galaxy. As a result Alternia is a planet populated by children. After the trolls living on the planet were killed by the Reckoning and trolls living off-world were killed by the Vast Glub, the planet and green moon became home to carapacians. The planet was destroyed along with the rest of the universe when Spades Slick killed Snowman whose life had been bound to that of the universe.