| - Scissors
- Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- A weak close combat spell used by piwis despite the description.
- Nibble ist eine Sheltie-Retriever-Greyhound-Hündin.
- Nibble is the Aerial Scout of The Gorgonites and the only one to have flight. The flying Gorgonite resembling a bat, who swoops in from the sky when summoned to rain down fire on any nearby enemies with his green laser beam seen in the Small Soldiers (PS1). In the video game, he has a very gremlin-like face with a big smile like Insaniac. It is indeed very most likely that he and Insaniac are very great friends and equally as insane as each other.
- Full: Touch target corpse to gain 20 Health. Concise: Touch target corpse to gain 20 Health. __TOC__
- A nibble (also nybble) is four-bits, or half an byte.
- Nibble is a short-haired, tan female Sheltie Retriever Greyhound mix pup with a long muzzle, a fuzzy narrow body, a large soft head, a long slender muzzle, floppy ears, dark-brown eyes.
- The original inhabitants of Funkiki Island,Nibble have a deep love and respect for the ocean. The Nibble have a natural affinity towards the ocean, preferring to spend more time at sea then on land. In fact, they spend so much time in the water, they have permanent swimmers ear. Their scary, chomping appearance is less about eating and more about clearing their ears. They are always yawning and opening and closing their big mouths. The yawning sounds like growling and the movement looks like biting so most visitors are first quite scared of the Nibble. But once you get to know them, you'll dive right in.