| - OC's First Name/Second Name (name written in Japanese, Romaji name)
- His signature Shen Gong Wu is the Orb of Tornami/Torpedo, which can shoot water.
- Omi (オミ Omi?), also known as Hideomi Nakazato (中里 栄臣 Nakazato Hideomi?), played Kouhei Toba, the titular hero of B-Fighter Kabuto. He reprised this role in B-Robo Kabutack: The Epic Christmas Battle.
- Omi is one of the four protagonists of Xiaolin Showdown. He was a primary character from the Xiaolin Temple who journeyed in a quest for all Shen Gong Wu as the Dragon of Water in training. An orphaned monk, Omi was raised by Master Fung in the Xiaolin Temple, a mystical home where monks train to become Xiaolin Warriors. Omi eventually became the Xiaolin Dragon of Water and although he believed he was the "chosen one", he met with three other soon-to-be Xiaolin Warriors named Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko and Clay Bailey. Omi was initially skeptical and wary of them, beginning to doubt himself as the chosen one. However, Omi began to take a fondness for them, and they became not only his teammates, but also his best friends.
- 200px|right|thumb|Omi atakuje Jacka Spicera podczas walki o Monetę Modliszki w San Francisco. Omi - główny protagonista seriali Xiaolin - pojedynek mistrzów i Kroniki Xiaolin, Wojownik Wudai, w przyszłości ma zostać Smokiem wody. Od urodzenia szkoli się w klasztorze Xiaolin. Ma wielką, okrągłą głowę na której ma 9 kropek. Raimondo lubi mu dokuczać. Omi myli niektóre powiedzonka używane przez innych, ponieważ nie miał kontaktu ze światem. Żył ciągle w klasztorze i nie opuszczał go aż do momentu poszukiwania mistycznych Shen Gong Wu.