| - A unit's or building's hit points will drop if it is being attacked by another unit or taking attrition damage from being in enemy territory. A building's hit points can be restored by ordering Citizens to repair it. Units will heal lost hit points while they are garrisoned in a building, by a specific general, or a French supply wagon. Generally, hit points of a building determine the time needed for it to be razed.
- Hit points, also know as health points (or HP), damage points, or just health, is the finite value used to determine how much life a ship or Alien has. When the ship or alien takes damage, it's hit points are reduced by how much damage is dealt and when it hits 0, it is destroyed. When a player is destroyed, they have the option to repair and when done so, is instantly brought back to the nearest base with low hit points. The base hit points of ships and aliens vary according to the type of alien or ship it is. Lost hit points on a ship can easily be regained.
- In the Star Wars Miniatures game, Hit Points refers to the measure of how much damage it takes to defeat a character. A character whose Hit Points drop to 0 is defeated.
- Hit Points (ヒットポイント, Hitto Pointo?, abbreviated as "HP"), also known as "Health Points", are a standard way of gauging the amount of damage a player can withstand in most games. Once this parameter reaches zero, the character is either rendered incapacitated or dead, depending on the rules of the game.
- Hit points (HPs) are a measure of the health of a player character or mob. The amount of HPs a character or mob has depends on their Constitution (Con) and Level.
- Each character has Hit Points, commonly referred to by HP, which show the state of the character's health. If the Hit Point level (represented by a number) is above zero, then the character is alive. Otherwise, the character is dead. The maximum amount of hit points one character has is determined by the equation where STA is Stamina and FOR is Fortitude. HP regenerates at a rate of hit points per hour.
- The Power Suit provide the player characters with Hit Points which are the vital characteristic of the character. When these points reach zero, the character counts as dead and have to be-re-vesseled (the process in which the consciousness of a dead man or woman is transferred into newly created body). The player characters regain Hit Points through their power suit's Hit Points regeneration characteristic, which shows how many Hit Points are regained every second.
- Jeder Charakter hat eine begrenzte Anzahl von Hit Points, wenn diese Hit Points auf Null gehen, durch Schäden durch Angriffe mit Waffen, Gift oder andere schädliche Auswirkungen, sterben Charaktere und kommen zurück zum Tempel in ihrer Heimatstadt.
- Hit points also know as HP,Life points show the amount of health an attackable thing has left. When it is all gone the thing dies. Hp can be restored by certain items or powers. Also Hp will regenerate back on its own at the rate of 5 points every 2 minutes. The max amount of health anything can have in the game is 999 hitpoints.
- Hit points or hp is the health of a player character, usually determined by the stat constitution. Damage due to blows by weapons, offensive spells, or even hunger, will diminish hit points, the passage of time will usually regenerate hit points. Usually, hit points below zero result in death of the player character. Due to the frequency of combat hit points are usually displayed in the prompt which displays frequently, sometimes when any change occurs, but always when enter is pressed.
- Hit Points, also knows as HP, are a measure of a character's health. Their HP is displayed in the red bar in the top, left-hand corner of the screen. The number displayed is (current HP) / (maximum HP). When the current HP reaches 0, the player will enter a coma state. HP can be recovered through meditation, healing techniques, using healing items, and by being in Peace Mode. Your maximum HP is determined by your constitution. You can increase this value by using buffs and relics.
- Each Archetype has a base number of Hit Points that can be increased through Accolade Powers, Invention Set Bonuses, and powers such as Dull Pain and Frostwork. However, the number of Hit Points cannot be increased past a cap, which is again set by Archetype. The following table lists the Base and Maximum Hit Points for every archetype at level 50:
- "Hit Points" also known as "HP" or "Health", is a measure of how long until you can no longer fight, as you are dead.
- Hit points, also called Health or HP, is a common gameplay element in the Dark Cloud series. They are a means by which a character's life is gauged, meaning that reaching zero HP causes the character to die and thus end the game, forcing the player to return to an earlier checkpoint. If the playable character has at least one hit point, the game continues as normal. Healthy characters in reserve do not prevent a game over if they are not switched out.
- HP is a measure of how much damage an object can take before it is razed or killed. If the HP reach 0, the unit (building) dies (collapses) instantly. Various kinds of armor protect from some damage and therefore prolong the life of a unit or building. Also, there are a lot of technologies that can improve the HP of various units and structures. The Explorer (in Age of Empires III) and campaign heroes in Age of Mythology faint when their hit points reach 1.
- Health Points or HP is how much health your character has, the higher the HP the longer he or she will last in Combat. Certain classes have more HP then others. But HP is not all you need to worry about. HP can be recharge by using a Health Point Potion
- Hit Points are how much damage you can take before you collapse and wake up in the clinic. When you lose all your hit points there is a good chance you'll wake up with a cold the next day. You will also start the day with half HP and/or half RP.
- Note that, if you do not have full health but you do have shield hit points and your shield proceeds to take damage, your health recharge delay is still reset back to 10 seconds, even though it didn't take any damage.
- Αφορά τους πόντους ζωής που έχει ένας χαρακτήρας. Αυξάνει, καθώς αυξάνει το στατιστικό Wounds.
- Hit Points are the determine how much damage the character can take before dying.
- Jaydyn Pick, also known under his Hit Points ring name, is an Australian professional wrestler best known for his time in Down Under Wrestling.
- Hit points or abbreviated HP, is the amount of damage that a creature can withstand before it dies(This includes the character you play)
- Hit points are the amount of health the player has. Usually determined by an integer. If health reaches 0 or negative the player usually dies. See Archetypes for classes with the most "Hit Points".
- Hit Points are how much damage you can take before you collapse and wake up in the clinic. When you lose all your hit points there is a good chance you'll wake up with a [[cold]] the next day. You will also start the day with half HP and/or half [[RP]].
- The formulas given below generally apply only to the player character.
- Hit points, or HP, represents the life of an eSper. Attacks to an eSper will take off hit points. Healing weapons, such as Mind Energy and Rescue Gun, can restore lost HP. When HP reaches 0, the eSper dies and respawns in 7 seconds. (Unless the player uses "Respawn" on the Buff Bar or the match is Siege Mode and Frenzy Time is active)
- Hit points, also called Health or HP, is a common gameplay element in the Jak and Daxter series. They are a means by which a character's life is gauged, meaning that reaching zero HP causes the character to die and thus end the game, forcing the player to return to an earlier checkpoint. If Jak or any other playable character has at least one hit point, the game continues as normal.
- Hit Points are the amount of health a monster or player has. When advancing in levels a player increases their maximum Hit Points.
- Hit Points, short for HP, is the amount of damage needed to clear a certain stage. The pink bar below the target Pokémon icon shows the progress, beginning at full bar. When the bar is completely depleted, the player has cleared the stage. Competitive Stages do not have an HP bar, since the goal is to simply rack up as much damage as possible. Meowth's Coin Mania also does not have an HP bar. Some disruption countdowns will switch upon crossing certain HP thresholds. Some stages offer chances to drop certain items like Skill Boosters upon crossing the 75%, 50%, and 25% HP thresholds.
- In the Wizardry series of games, Hit Points (also shortened as HP) refer to one of the attributes of the player's characters. This attribute measures the amount of "health" the character has; the more HP a character has, the better will be the chances of surviving an enemy's attack, and hence the chances of survival in a dungeon.
- Hit Points (HP) is the same as a character's Health. See Health for more.
- In all Story Modes for every Custom Robo game, if the main character loses all his Robo's HP, the battle will end in a loss, regardless of the status of his teammate(s).
- Hit Points (Életerő pontok vagy HP) egy játékmechanizmus, amely a karakter egészségét alkotja. Harc közben, a megsebzett karakterek Életerőpontot vesztenek. Amikor a karakter szintet lép további életerőpontokat kap. Ha a pontok száma 0-ra csökken, a karakter meghal. Nem szükséges mondani hogy fontos a HP figyelése a játék során. A HP visszaállítható orvosi eszközökkel/ételekkel (mint pl a Stimpak és Psuztai Omlettel.
- Every player, forest monster, and master (including the Red Dragon) has Hit Points. To defeat an opponent, you have to attack them enough to reduce their Hit Points to zero or less.
- in der offiziellen Version von Sword Art Online sind Lebenspunkte von großer Wichtigkeit, da das NerveGear 10 Sekunden nachdem die Lebenspunkte auf 0 fallen das Gehirn der realen Person zerstört. Lebenspunkte können durch Benutzen von Heiltränken oder Heilkristallen wiederhergestellt werden. Lebenspunkte werden im Spiel in Zahlen dargestellt (aktuelle HP/ maximale HP) und werden durch ein farbigen Balken abgebildet. Die Farbe des Balkens wechselt von grün (über 50%) zu gelb (unter 50%) bis hin zu rot (unter 10%). Die maximale Anzahl der Schadenspunkte kann durch Levelaufstieg erhöht werden.
- s Cada personaje tiene un número limitado de vida y este límite está determinado por un número que se muestra graficamente con una barrita verde en tu personaje o con una barra roja en la columna de la derecha de la pantalla de tu cuenta. Cuando los hit points llegan a cero tu personaje muere y reaparece en el templo de la ciudad en que resides. HP es la abreviatura y la traducción es puntos golpeados. La cantidad de hit points que pierdes es afectada por la cantidad y calidad de equipamento que usas en el cuerpo. Si usas un buen equipamento perderas menos hit points que si usas uno malo.
- Hit points refer to a unit's health. When a unit is first constructed it has full hit points. When a weapon hits that unit, the weapon does damage that reduces the unit's hit points. When a unit's hit points reach 0, the unit is destroyed. Units with more hit points are harder because they can withstand more damage before they are destroyed.
- One of the most common tropes in the world of video games is the use of Hit Points. Rather than using actual wounds and damage, players have a number attributed to their health that clearly indicates how close to death they are. It's like a time-irrelevant take on Exact Time to Failure in that only losing the last one causes any real harm. It should be noted, however, that HP in many games (especially Tabletop RPGs) is supposedly a statistically concealed conceit of both Plot Armor and actual health. As your HP drops, it's ostensibly your talent/luck at dodging, deflecting and absorbing blows dropping as you get more tired and desperate until you actually get hurt (This explanation raises problems of its own all too often.)
- Abbreviation: HP A numeric representation of a character's life force. As the character receives damage from enemies, his or her HP will drop. HP also drops if the character suffers from a Damage Over Time effect, such as Poison. If HP is allowed to fall to zero, the character is Knocked Out and can no longer move, act, or otherwise participate in battle until revived (See K.O. for more information).
- Hit Points, abbreviated as HP, are the representation of a character's "life". Shown as a bar, this stat illustrates how much damage a character can take. When the bar reaches 0, the character will die and must be revived after the battle. HP has a much higher cap than the other stats. The HP limit (without items) in Disgaea 3 and 4 is 399,999,996 HP, but can only be reached with Serums. Superbosses such as Baal will commonly hit the HP cap when fought in the Land of Carnage. The HP hard cap in Disgaea D2 is 99,999,999,999 in Normal Mode, while it is 400,000,000,000 in Rasetsu Mode.
- Hit points, also known as HP or hp, are your life. If your hit points reach zero, you usually die. The only way of avoiding death in this case is to wear an amulet of life saving. If you are polymorphed at the time, you will return to your natural form, unless you are wearing an amulet of unchanging, in which case you will die. Also, some deaths, known as instadeaths, kill you regardless of your hit points at the time. Many of these, including stoning and brainlessness, will still kill you if you are polymorphed.
- Hit Points (sometimes called Health Points and often abbreviated HP) are a numerical measurement of a unit's (or city's) physical condition in the Civilization games. Military units become less effective in combat as they lose Hit Points, and a unit reduced to 0 HP dies.
- Hit points, or HP, represent the amount of damage your character can sustain before having to return home to rest. For all characters the amount of hit points is determined by the Constitution bonus. The more constitution you have, the higher your maximum hitpoints. This can be temporarily boosted with Constitution potions, and certain adventure buffs. Hitpoints can be regenerated 3 ways: with potions of health, by resting at home, or via friend buffs. Potions: health potions can be used before an adventure, or during one to replenish lost hitpoints.
- The number of HP an Adept has depends on class and level, among other things. The max HP an Adept can have is 1,999. Classes that have high bonuses include:
* The Ronin class, a member of the Samurai class series, has the highest increase at 210%.
* The Chaos Lord, Paladin, and Master all have an increase of 200%.
* The Hero, Protector, Radiant, War Adept (from both the Page class series and the Apprentice class series), Admiral, Acrobat, and Beast Lord all get an increase of 190%.
- Hit points, sometimes abbreviated as HP, is the basic unit of health in the Stamina modes of Super Smash Bros. Melee, Brawl, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. It has since also been used the unit of health for bosses, and for enemies in Adventure Mode, the Subspace Emissary, and Smash Run. When a character is hit by an opponent's attack, their hit points decrease. The character can continue as normal until their hit points are reduced to 0, when they are KO'd. The health of two recurring bosses in the Super Smash Bros., Master Hand and Crazy Hand, are always measured in hit points, unless otherwise altered by the Master Hand glitch or an Action Replay.
- Each character has a limited amount of Hit Points and when their Hit Points drop to zero, due to damage through weapon attacks, poison or other harmful effects, will die and return to the temple in their hometown. HP is the common abbreviation for Hit Points.
- HP, which can stand for Health Points or Hit Points is an recurring stat that appears in every game in the Grandia Series. All playable characters and enemy units have a set HP. Once the characters HP is falls to 0, the character falls into the Fallen status and must be revived. However, enemy units usually disappear from the battlefield when their HP reach zero and cannot be revived.
- Each character and enemy has a number of Hit Points that must be depleted before he/she/it is defeated. To deplete Hit Points, that character or enemy must be hit by an attack or spell that causes damage. The amount of Hit Points taken away with each hit depends on the attacker's strength and the target's defense. A higher defense means that fewer points are taken away with each hit, and higher strength means that more points are depleted. If the player's character's HP is fully depleted, the player will then receive a Game Over.