| - Avec Chien Po et Yao, Ling est là pour sauver la Chine des Huns, dans le monde Terre des Dragons. Quand il n'est pas en train de blaguer ou de bavasser...
- Ling was an Andermani citizen and an officer of the Imperial Andermani Navy. Holding the rank of Lieutenant in 1913 PD, Ling was part of the superdreadnought IANS Derfflinger's bridge crew. After the Totenkopf Hussars shot and killed Thomas Mercier, Großadmiral von Rabenstrange ordered Ling to call the medic bay and have them remove the body for examination. (HHA5.2: AAoW)
- Ling joined Friendcodes.com in Oct. 20th, 2007. He was born on June 24, 1990, which makes him 18 as of now. Ling is known for his humor and is mentioned as the Funny staff guy.
- Ling can be found wandering in Wajjun Bazaar, though she does not spawn all the time. Apparently, she's a florist, implied from her quotes. She is the cousin of Sinvahn, who sends her flowers from the Garden of Seborhin.
- Ling es un personaje de las películas Mulan y Mulan II.
- In Gale of 12 A.E., Ling worked as a night watch warder at the Jacinto Maximum Security Prison. In Rise of the next year, Ling was drafted into the Coalition of Ordered Governments army.
- Ling is a character.
- Ling is a male 1/3 scale BJD from Divinity Doll.
- Ling is the leader of the 3rd Division Iron Imperial Army, "Xi Cheng Wei". Similar to Dong Cheng Wei, they serve Iron Dimension's Dimension Leader, Jiu Wu, and are tasked to protect and maintain the order of the universe. His army code is X23Y90U87. Ling first appeared in class 13 of KO One Return , landing in the 10-years-later Gold Dimension due to a rare phenomenon known as dimension quake. Ling did not appear in KO One Re-act, therefore it is unclear what happened to him after the timeline is reset.
- Ling is one of three pigs that have escaped Liang Thunderfoot and Thunderfoot Ranch in the Valley of the Four Winds. Jian can be found in the pools that share the border between the Grassy Cline/Pools of Purity, west of the flight master, Kim of the Mountain Winds.
- Ling was a sergeant in the Raynor's Raiders. She served on Char.
- Write the text of your article here! This page needs some work.
- Ling (靈, Clever, Intelligent, and Spiritual) is the younger sister of Huian and an aspiring young Quincy. Having spent the majority of their lives being carted from foster home to foster home, Ling and Huian found themselves crossing the paths of Raphael and Kusagi Kōta. Informing them of their "power", Kusagi offered them sanctuary alongside him and Raphael. Seeking to free her sister from the dark burdens they have been forced to endure for their childhood, Ling accepted the offer.
- In the secound film, Mulan 2, he assists Mulan, Shang, the princesses and the other two on a mission to go to Qui Gong so the princesses will get married to form an alliance with the Middle Kingdom. He later fell in love with Princess Ting-Ting.
- Ling was a fictional spy working for MI6 and she was also a character in the James Bond film You Only Live Twice played by Tsai Chin. She is seen only in the pre-credit sequence.
- Ling était un Humain Amélioré issu de l'Ingénierie génétique sur Terre à la fin du 20ème siècle.
- Ling was the leader of a group of mercenaries. Seth and Vanessa were members of this group. Some time before the King of Fighters 2000 tournament, Ling was murdered by Zero and was impersonated by him. Zero created a clone of Ling and put him in Ling's place. The Ling clone was approached by Heidern who asked for his cooperation to capture K' and Maxima, so they could find NESTS's headquarters. During the tournament, the Ling clone betrayed Heidern and revealed himself as an acquaintance of Zero. When Zero was defeated, the Ling clone was killed by Heidern.
- Ling ist ein NSC, eine der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar die Hapideidin des Blizzards. Es mag ja sein, dass sie durch und durch aus Eis besteht, aber das hindert sie auch nicht daran, sich jeden Winter aufs Neue zu verkühlen! Mit ihren anschließenden Niesattacken schleudert sie dann riesige Schneewolken (und andere Dinge...) ins Gesicht der Menschen! Echt Blizzard, was? Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Ling beschützt den 5. Javian.
- The Ling is also called Molva molva and is a large member of the Cod family, being an ocean fish that can be found especially in the Atlantic region and around Iceland, western British Isles, the Norse coast and sometimes around Finland. It is recognized after its long slender body which can reach a length of 2 meters. It is said that it can be a deep running fish that goes to depths of 100 meters or even more when in reaches maturity. As for the younger fish, they are usually found at shallower depths. The Ling has a very much appreciated flesh which can be consumed fresh, salted or dried. Many people love the salted roe of the Ling that are generally considered a great delicacy, especially in Spain where it is known as huevas de maruca.
- Ling ist einer der 85 Augments, die 1996 mit der SS Botany Bay von der Erde starten und gehört auch zu den 73, die die Reise bis zu ihrer Entdeckung durch die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) 2267 überleben. Nachdem Khan Noonien Singh sie alle erweckt hat übernehmen sie die Enterprise. Ling wird mit Rodriguez und McPherson in die Waffenkammer geschickt, doch als Khan sie wenig später vom Konferenzraum aus rufen will meldet sich keiner von ihnen. Commander Spock hat sie inzwischen mit Neuralgas des Abwehrsystems betäuben können. Ling wird danach mit Khan und den anderen Augments nach Ceti Alpha V verbannt. (TOS: )
- Ling was a genetically-engineered Augment from Earth's late 20th century, a follower of Khan Noonien Singh and survivor of the Eugenics Wars. Ling escaped Earth aboard the SS Botany Bay. In 2267, the Botany Bay was discovered by the USS Enterprise, where Ling was among the 72 surviving members of Khan's original group of 84. Ling was sent to Ceti Alpha V with the rest of Khan's people after a failed attempt to capture the Enterprise. (TOS: "Space Seed" )