==介绍== 管理面版 (located at <a href="http://your-wordpress-url/wp-admin/)">http://your-wordpress-url/wp-admin/)</a> 这个页面,使你可以控制你的站点的后台运行情况。 Common to all of the panels is a heading which shows the name of your blog and links to your blog's main page. Below is a tabular list of all WordPress' Administration Panels and their respective SubPanels. The links will take you to sections within this article that describe the various Panels and SubPanels. From those sections, you can navigate to pages detailing more in depth information about each SubPanel. 801241227288745976688648
==介绍== 管理面版 (located at <a href="http://your-wordpress-url/wp-admin/)">http://your-wordpress-url/wp-admin/)</a> 这个页面,使你可以控制你的站点的后台运行情况。 Common to all of the panels is a heading which shows the name of your blog and links to your blog's main page. Below is a tabular list of all WordPress' Administration Panels and their respective SubPanels. The links will take you to sections within this article that describe the various Panels and SubPanels. From those sections, you can navigate to pages detailing more in depth information about each SubPanel. 801241227288745976688648