| - Rules & Guidelines 1. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO PLAY/WIN A PRIZE. There are multiple ways to enter, including purchases at Gaia and alternate means of entry not involving a purchase specifically via mail. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE CHANCES OF WINNING; EVERY UNIQUE ENTRY REGARDLESS OF HOW IT WAS OBTAINED HOLDS THE SAME CHANCE OF WINNING. 2. Every item purchased in the La Victoire Cash Shops counts as ONE entry into the raffle. 3. Purchasing a regular La Victoire Cash Shop item bundle (e.g. CI bundle) counts as a single entry into the raffle; one entry is received per regular item bundle purchased. The Grand Prize is as follows: Grand Prize (3 Winners): The Grand Prize consists of a prize pack containing: Choice of any Gaia Item, with the exception of Limited Quantity Items and nonequippable items (eg: tickets, bundles). • Winners of the Grand Prize Package agree to have their user name and avatar likeness shared on Gaia’s website and/or in Discussion Forums with their permission. • Items won in the Jet <3s Gaia Raffle Promotion are not soul bound, meaning that they can be exchanged, sold and traded on the Gaia Marketplace. Q: How long does the Jet <3s Gaia Raffle run? The raffle will run from 8:30 PM EST Wednesday, May 7th through 11:59 PM EST Wednesday, May 14th, 2014. Times and dates of raffle will be calculated in Eastern Time. 1. Any purchase made in the La Victoire Cash Shop counts as an entry. 2. In addition, you may also receive an entry into the raffle without purchase (Alternate Method of Entry “AMOE”) by mailing a legibly handwritten, self-addressed, stamped envelope (“SASE”) with sufficient postage and a return address, including first and last name, username, street address, city, state, and ZIP code to: PO Box 612680, San Jose, CA 95161-2680. Mail-in requests, including both outer envelope and SASE, must be handwritten. Outer envelope must include a return address in the upper left hand corner that matches the requestor’s street address, and must be postmarked no sooner than May 7th, 2014 and no later than May 14th, 2014, and received by Gaia no later than 11:59 pm EST May 21st, 2014. Requests from Vermont (“VT”) residents that are postmarked in VT may omit return postage. Requests from VT residents that are postmarked outside of VT and omit return postage may be required to provide proof of VT residency to Gaia's reasonable satisfaction before requests are fulfilled. Each request must be mailed in a separate stamped outer mailing envelope. Requests that are sent in business reply envelopes, that utilize address labels or stickers (for any address), that are photocopied, hand-stamped, computer-generated or otherwise mechanically or digitally produced or reproduced, that are not mailed in separate outer stamped mailing envelopes, or that otherwise fail to comply with these Official Rules, will NOT be honored, acknowledged or returned, and the persons submitting such requests will forfeit any corresponding postage and unused envelopes. Q: What about regular Cash Shop item bundles – do these count as multiple entries? No, regular La Victoire Cash Shop item bundles (e.g. CI bundles) count as one purchase. So if you bought a bundle of 4 items, only one entry will be earned. Q: How will you announce the winners? Winners will be contacted via a Private Message. If they give us permission, we will also post their user names in an announcement! The prizes are as follows: Grand Prize (3 Winners): The Grand Prize consists of a prize package containing: Your choice of any Gaia Item, with the exception of Limited Quantity Items and nonequippable items (eg: tickets, bundles). Q: Are any of the items that are won during the Raffle soul bound, i.e. are they prevented from being exchanged on the Gaia marketplace? No, the items will not be soul bound. Q: When will the winners be announced? Winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 28th, 2014.