| - The fight between Optimus Primal and Dinobot breaks out just as the Predacons attack. Primal falls, but is rescued by Dinobot, who confesses that Primal slipped, so winning the fight would not have been honorable. As they continue to fight, both fall, but are rescued by Rhinox. Primal sees that Dinobot is trustworthy and allows him to join the Maximal ranks. The gunfire on the conflict flies far in the distance, striking a mountain and unveiling a massive energon cache, enough to provide all the power either team would need to return home—and, in Megatron's case, start the Great War again.
| - The fight between Optimus Primal and Dinobot breaks out just as the Predacons attack. Primal falls, but is rescued by Dinobot, who confesses that Primal slipped, so winning the fight would not have been honorable. As they continue to fight, both fall, but are rescued by Rhinox. Primal sees that Dinobot is trustworthy and allows him to join the Maximal ranks. The gunfire on the conflict flies far in the distance, striking a mountain and unveiling a massive energon cache, enough to provide all the power either team would need to return home—and, in Megatron's case, start the Great War again. Both teams rush to the site, and begin to fight, but in beast modes. The massive energon exposure would place their robot modes in stasis lock in moments if they attempted to transform. Megatron, seeing the fight is lost, transforms anyway and opens fire on Primal. Dinobot diverts the missile, saving Primal but causing a massive chain reaction in the mountainside. Both teams quickly flee. As the Maximals leave, Dinobot explains that he owed a life debt to him, and that his actions have made them even. Primal proclaims that the Beast Wars have begun.