| - __NOEDITSECTION__January • February • March • April • May • June • July • August • September • October • November • December
- ) September 23rd In 1866, H.G. Wells is born. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars"; VOY: "The 37's"; ENT: "Similitude") September 27th In 2329, Thomas Raymond is born. (TNG-R: "The Neutral Zone" , okudagram) In 2334, "Commander Kieran MacDuff", the alias of a Satarran infiltrator, is born. (TNG: "Conundrum" ) In 2351, Carolyn L. Raymond, daughter of Thomas Raymond, is born. (TNG-R: "The Neutral Zone" , okudagram)
- {{Infobox Song |image = File:Septembersing.jpeg |name = September |singer = Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake and Earth, Wind & Fire |preceeded by = What U Workin' With? |followed by = N/A September is a song from Trolls. It is performed by Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, and Earth, Wind & Fire, who are the voices of Poppy and Branch, along with the chorus. It played when Poppy and Branch sing at the end credits while the other trolls are dancing.
- This month, we're beginning the WikiaPerl project here at perl.wikia.com. WikiaPerl is planned to become a bundle of modules and objects designed to make life more interesting and productive work more fun within the Wikia environment. We are currently gathering requirements from other Wikia around the planet.
- September ist der neunte Monat des Jahres. Er ist einer der Monate des Jahres mit dreißig Tagen. Das Hogwarts-Schuljahr beginnt in diesem Monat.
- This is a songfic I made for the first Warriors Idol.
- September is the ninth month of the year. It has 30 days. For events in September, see the pages on specific dates below.
- Titel: X9X-KillerRang: -Geschlecht: männlichNationalität: nicht bekanntGeburtsort: nicht bekanntGeburtsdatum: nicht bekannt (gestorben 7-124)Größe: ca. 1,88 mHaarfarbe: nicht bekanntAugenfarbe: braun
- September is scheduled to perform at Summer Rush 2009, at the Kingswood Music Theatre.
- September is a month.
- September is the ninth month of the Human year.
- September is the ninth month of the year.
- September was a month in Earth's calendar.
- These are the events from the month of September.
- September是一首僅在《Taiko Drum Master》登場的西洋流行音樂。
- September is the ninth month of the year and one of four months with thirty days. (source)
- "September" is performed by Earth, Wind, Fire and Pollen as Mort Goldman explains his past as a record producer in "In Harmony's Way". Unfortunately, Mort's allergies are troubled by the group and the song. The song uses recorded music of the actual group Earth, Wind & Fire.
- What happened in September over the years.
- September is the ninth month of the year. In the Gregorian Calendar, it has 30 days.
- September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days.
- Petra Linnea Paula Eos Marklund (ur. 12 września 1984) – szwedzka wokalistka znana lepiej jako September, wykonująca muzykę z gatunku pop i dance. Obecnie występująca pod swoim imieniem i nazwiskiem Petra Marklund.
- September is an Observer. His real name is unknown, as September is merely a code designation. Like every Observer, September is bald and lacks eyebrows. He is a member of the scientific team sent to do reconnaissance throughout history. However, he did much more than observe. In fact, one simple mistake had devastating effects, altering the entire fate of humanity and catalyzing most of the events that brought the Fringe team together.
- September was the ninth month of the year. This month contains 30 days.
- lalalalalalalala
- The ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Has 30 days.
- September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
- September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days.
* September 25 - My English Wiki editor Manta-bee was born.
- "September" is a song by American funk band Earth, Wind & Fire, written by Maurice White, Al McKay, and Allee Willis. It was released on their album The Best of Earth, Wind & Fire, Vol. 1. It is from the musical Bob the Builder, sung by J.J., Molly and Ensemble.
- September is de negende maand van het jaar. Het is een van de maanden van het jaar met dertig dagen. Het Zweinstein schooljaar start in deze maand.
- September is de negende maand van het jaar. Het is een van de maanden van het jaar met dertig dagen. Het Zweinstein schooljaar start in deze maand.
- On or round the 23rd of September the days and nights are of equal length throughout the World, that is known as the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere and the autumn equinox in the northern hmisphere. The other month when there is an equinox is March. Since early in the 21st Century September has been remembered as the month when the terrible September 11, 2001 attacks happened in New York City and at the Pentagon.
- September was a month important to agriculture. In late 20th century England, apples were harvested in this month, and stores started their big marketing push for Christmas. (PROSE: K9 and Company) In 1666, the London was ravaged by a great fire. (TV: The Visitation, PROSE: The Republican's Story) In 2015, the United Kingdom's Prime minister, Daniel Claremont, was revealed to be a Sea Devil on live television. (COMIC: Clara Oswald and the School of Death)
- September is the 9th month in the Animal Crossing series. It is the first month of Autumn/Fall, and the time when the trees begin to change colors.
- September is the ninth month in the year. It is one of the months with thirty days.
- September är den nionde månaden av året i Gregorian kalender. Den har 30 dagar.kategori:Datum
- September er den niende måned i året. Den har 31 dage.
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- September may refer to the following Septembers.
* September (2005)
* September (2006)
* September (2007)
* September (2008)
* September (2009)
* (2010)
- September is the ninth month in the Gregorian calendar. It occurs in Wheel of Time world during Choren 1 to Shaldine 2.
- September is the ninth month of the Gregorian, Julian, and Revised Julian calendars. The month is named after the Latin word septem, meaning "seventh," as it was the seventh month of the Old Roman Calendar. It always has thirty days.
- September is the ninth month of the year. It's one of the months of the year with thirty days. The Hogwarts school year starts during this month.
- September (hrudeň, jaseň) je deviaty mesiac v roku. Má 30 dní. V rímskom kalendári to bol pôvodne siedmy mesiac a mal 31 dní. Na Slovensku je v septembri jeden štátny sviatok, jeden deň pracovného pokoja a dva pamätné dni.
- thumb|left|Walter redet mit September September tauchte laut Nachforschungen seitens Massive Dynamic bereits 1770 beim Massaker von Boston, 1793 bei der Hinrichtung Marie Antoinesttes und 1914 in Sarajevo beim Attentat auf Franz Ferdinand auf. Im Paralleluniversum besuchte er 1985 Walter in dessen Labor, da er nur so das fertiggestellte Heilmittel für Peter sehen konnte. Dadurch lenkte er Walter jedoch ab und dieser bekam nichts von seinem Erfolg mit. December und August forderten ihn auf, seinen Fehler zu korrigieren. Als der Walter von dieser Seite Peter aus dem anderen Universum holte und dann mit ihm im zugefrorenen Reiden Lake einbrach, tauchte September auf und rettete die beiden. thumb|September taucht auf.Walter musste ihm dann versprechen, Peter nie wieder auf die andere Seite zur
- Bellatrix, Wayne, Kirill and Hannah in the Apothecary during the storm. Rodolphus, Andromeda, Nidra, Michelle and Jaden in the Leaky Cauldron during the storm. Harry, Guinevere, Millicent, Marcus, Fred and Liam in Quality Quidditch Supplies during the storm. Fleur, Susan, Tonks, Sam and Royce in Flourish and Blotts during the storm. Blaise, Emma, Lisa, Padma and Ginevra in the Cauldron Shop during the storm. Hermione, Megan, Seamus, Adrian and Goyle in Ollivander's during the storm. Ron, Malcolm, Sidney, Lavender, Severus and Justin in Madam Malkin's during the storm. Ron sends Justin rain boots.
- September ist ein Monat in der Zeitrechnung der Erde. Der Bell-Aufstand im Jahr 2024 findet in der ersten Woche im September in Schutzzone A in San Francisco statt. (DS9: ) Der Geburtstag von Miles O'Brien ist im September. (DS9: ) In der Holodeck-Simulation des zweiten Weltkriegs, die die Hirogen 2374 an Bord der USS Voyager ablaufen lassen, hört Brigitte eine verschlüsselte Nachricht ab, die im Wetterbericht für den 22. September 1944 versteckt ist. (VOY: )
- September is a word that is said to be related to a month in the year. The word actually means seven but, for whatever reason, it has no relation to seven whatsoever. In fact, it's the thirtieth year of the month and is potentially racist. So basically, it has no point and should not exist.
- September is concidered as one of the most famous,respected and loved singers all over the nsc world.Her debut in NSC was made for Sunland.After an internal selection she was presented and she decided to sing the song 'Flowers on the grave'.People loved from the first time the song and therefor it climbed directly in #1 in the sunny chart and it was the big hit of the summer in Sunland. On later occasions, September has also participated for Adamsburg and Shamitri.
- September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days. September 2 is the 245th day of the year (246th in leap years), with 120 days remaining.
* 1997 – Nikki Taylor Melton born.
* 2003 – Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl released in Germany. [1] September 3 is the 246th day (247th in leap years) of the year, with 119 days remaining.
* 2003 – Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl released in Malta. [2] September 4 is the 247th day (248th in leap years) of the year, with 118 days remaining.
* 1995 – Sammi Hanratty born.
- Frank Tieri reveals Spoiler will be showing up in BatO # 13. Robin #178 came out today. There was a Steph Scan available here A preview for Robin #178 is out and has a little Steph in it: here Also, the solicitations are out for December and Spoiler is mentioned in the Robin solicit: Cover ROBIN #181 Written by Fabian Nicieza Art and cover by Freddie E. Williams II Red Robin is revealed, and Anarky is unleashed in Gotham City! A daring jailhouse rescue rips the GCPD apart, forcing the Spoiler to live up to her name! Plus, Oracle and Jason Bard team up again! And while all this is going on, where is Robin? Maybe he's M.I.A.... or is it R.I.P.? On sale December 17 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
- September is a reference to the Fringe character of the same name, who is one of the Observers—evolved humans that can travel through time and space. His lack of visible tail hair is akin to the Observers' baldness, and his random appearances in the comics also allude to the Observers' appearances at key points in Fringe's history. He is similar to Issue 15 Unnamed Stallion - Binoculars and "Slendermane". September's appearances are added by artist Andy Price, including a speaking role as part of an unscripted scene in the [[IDW comics#|My Little Pony
- Der September ist der neunte Monat im Jahr. Auf der Nordhalbkugel beginnt es nun ganz langsam zu herbsteln, wenngleich die Temperaturen in der Regel noch mild sind. Der September wird daher auch oft "Der Mai des Herbstes genannt. Am 21. oder auch am 22. September findet die Herbst Tag und Nachtgleiche statt. Nun sind wie am 21 / 22 März Tag und Nacht genau gleich lang. Danach wird die Nacht länger sein, das Licht weicht zurück, die Natur beginnt ganz langsam auch ihre Kraft zurückzunehmen, die Reise ins Innere fängt nun an. In Amerikanien heisst der September "Mond der Birken". Die Birken sind die ersten Bäume, die ihr Laub verfärben und somit den Herbst ankündigen. Der September ist ein Erntemonat. das Korn steht nun in voller Reife da und auch die ersten Kürbisse können nach Hause geroll