Officer Vaughan receives a hero's recognition from the city of Atlanta for his ability to kill Daniel Castle, the suspected Devil Killer.
He returns home to his house and finds Abigail Barker and Nicholas Finch digging through his personal files. Abigail reveals she's found the murder weapon and uncovered him as the true Devil Killer. He tells them he was commanded to kill the people fleeing from Buckaroo by The Master. When he discovers Barker has already phoned in his location, rather than be captured he throws himself from the window and kills himself to keep his secrets.
Meanwhile at the Buckaroo hospital, Sharon Crane watches over Alice. When Alice wakes up, she immediately asks for her parents and Sharon tells her that they need to talk. Sharon also laments about how she's made a deal with Reverend Fairgold.
Elsewhere, Barker is congratulated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for uncovering the true Devil Killer. Finch pushes Barker to let him see Eliot Carroll per their agreement of helping her find the killer. She is hesitant and tells him she needs to make sure he's ok first.
left|thumb|Abigail loses control for a moment.
Elsewhere, Finch approaches Edward Warren alone in an interrogation room. He asks if Warren actually killed his victims. He noticed the Good Samaritan had his fingers mutilated when his body was discovered. He began to think Warren was working with someone to kill his victims. Warren only offered that it was complicated.
When Barker enters Elliott's room alone, she immediately begins to press him about the Buckaroo Butchers and what he uncovered. He refuses to talk to anyone but Finch. Barker tells him they've done something to her and looses control and stabs Elliott to death. Finch and the FBI rush in when they hear the disturbance and see Barker, bloodied from her kill.