| - 국제열핵융합실험로(International tokamak experiment, ITER)는 국제 토카막 실험로로, 프랑스에 건설 예정이다. ITER은 토카막을 이용하는 플라즈마 핵융합로이다. 태양 에너지의 발생원리처럼 핵융합 반응 때 일어나는 에너지를 활용하기 위해 그 기술적 가능성을 증명하려는 대형 국제공동 프로젝트다. ITER 프로젝트는 2001년까지 14년동안 개념 및 공학설계에만 15억달러를 투입했다. 12년 동안 총 3,090억원의 비용이 투입된 KSTAR는 세계 최초로 신소재 초전도체(nb3sn)를 적용해 개발한 가장 진보된 형태의 토카막이다. ITER 노심은 토카막 플라즈마도넛형 노심 플라즈마는 대원주 방향의 토로이덜 자계와 소원주 방향의 폴로이덜 자계를 따라 움직인다. 대형 토카막 장치 건설 단계에서 대용량 가열 장치의 기술 혁신이 있었는데, 이것이 대형 토카막 장치로 통합됐다. ITER 단계에서는 초전도 코일 기술, 연료인 트리튬의 취급 기술, 내열 내중성자 재료 등이 새롭게 개발된다.
- ITER is an international tokamak (magnetic confinement fusion) experiment, planned to be built in France and designed to show the scientific and technological feasibility of a full-scale fusion power reactor. It builds upon research conducted on devices such as DIII-D, TFTR, JET, JT-60, and T-15, and will be considerably larger than any of them. The program is anticipated to last for 30 years—10 years for construction, and 20 years of operation—and cost approximately €10 billion ($12.1 billion), making it the second most expensive scientific project after the International Space Station. After many years of deliberation, the participants announced in June 2005 that ITER will be built in Cadarache, France.
- ITER est un générateur à fusion. Le principe est très simple : quand une pression énorme est créée autour d'une entreprise, elle se voit forcée de fusionner avec une autre société. La fusion de deux entreprises crée une énergie physique et médiatique énorme autour de l'événement. Cette énergie — calculée en Une — en minute d'info ou en audimat suffit à faire fonctionner les media pendant plusieurs heures. Donc, en faisant fusionner un grand nombre d'entreprises, on pourrait alimenter un pays entier en media.
- ITER (originally the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international tokamak (magnetic confinement fusion) research/engineering proposal for an experimental project that will help to make the transition from today's studies of plasma physics to future electricity-producing fusion power plants. It will build on research done with devices such as DIII-D, EAST, KSTAR, TFTR, Joint European Torus, JT-60, Tore Supra and T-15, and will be considerably larger than any of them.
| - ITER (originally the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international tokamak (magnetic confinement fusion) research/engineering proposal for an experimental project that will help to make the transition from today's studies of plasma physics to future electricity-producing fusion power plants. It will build on research done with devices such as DIII-D, EAST, KSTAR, TFTR, Joint European Torus, JT-60, Tore Supra and T-15, and will be considerably larger than any of them. On November 21, 2006, the seven participants formally agreed to fund the project. The program is anticipated to last for 30 years — 10 for construction, and 20 of operation — and cost approximately US$ 9.3 billion , which would make it one of the most expensive modern technoscientific megaprojects. Site preparation has begun in Cadarache, France and procurement of large components has started. First plasma operation is expected in 2018. ITER is designed to produce approximately 500 MW (500,000,000 watts) of fusion power sustained for up to 1000 seconds (compared to JET's peak of 16 MW for less than a second) by the fusion of about 0.5 g of deuterium/tritium mixture in its approximately 840 m3 reactor chamber. Although ITER is expected to produce (in the form of heat) 5-10 times more energy than the amount consumed to heat up the plasma to fusion temperatures, the generated heat will not be used to generate any electricity. According to the ITER consortium, fusion power offers the potential of "environmentally benign, widely applicable and essentially inexhaustible" electricity, properties that they believe will be needed as world energy demands increase while simultaneously greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced, justifying the expensive research project. ITER was originally an acronym for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, but that title was dropped due to the negative popular connotation of "thermonuclear," especially when in conjunction with "experimental". "Iter" also means "journey", "direction" or "way" in Latin, and this double meaning reflects ITER's role in harnessing nuclear fusion as a peaceful power source.
- 국제열핵융합실험로(International tokamak experiment, ITER)는 국제 토카막 실험로로, 프랑스에 건설 예정이다. ITER은 토카막을 이용하는 플라즈마 핵융합로이다. 태양 에너지의 발생원리처럼 핵융합 반응 때 일어나는 에너지를 활용하기 위해 그 기술적 가능성을 증명하려는 대형 국제공동 프로젝트다. ITER 프로젝트는 2001년까지 14년동안 개념 및 공학설계에만 15억달러를 투입했다. 12년 동안 총 3,090억원의 비용이 투입된 KSTAR는 세계 최초로 신소재 초전도체(nb3sn)를 적용해 개발한 가장 진보된 형태의 토카막이다. ITER 노심은 토카막 플라즈마도넛형 노심 플라즈마는 대원주 방향의 토로이덜 자계와 소원주 방향의 폴로이덜 자계를 따라 움직인다. ITER 가입국들은 '토카막'을 개발하기 위해 매진했지만 인류가 핵융합 에너지를 활용하는 일은 기술적으로 불가능해 보였다. 열을 식히는 냉각 및 제어에 들어가는 에너지가 핵융합으로 만든 에너지의 양을 초월하였기 때문에 되려 에너지 낭비가 되었기 때문이다. 문제는 토카막 속에서 핵융합이 일어날 정도로 뜨거운 플라스마 상태를 연속적으로 유지하기가 쉽지 않다는 것이다. 프로젝트는 수천초 동안 지속적으로 플라스마 핵융합을 시킬 수 있는 토카막을 제작하는데 목적이있다. 대형 토카막 장치 건설 단계에서 대용량 가열 장치의 기술 혁신이 있었는데, 이것이 대형 토카막 장치로 통합됐다. ITER 단계에서는 초전도 코일 기술, 연료인 트리튬의 취급 기술, 내열 내중성자 재료 등이 새롭게 개발된다. 국가핵융합연구소는 국제 공동연구장치로서 입지를 강화해 ITER 국제토카막 물리활동그룹(ITPA) 및 미국 제너럴 아토믹스(GA), 프린스턴 플라즈마 물리연구소(PPPL) 등과 공동연구를 하고 있다.
- ITER is an international tokamak (magnetic confinement fusion) experiment, planned to be built in France and designed to show the scientific and technological feasibility of a full-scale fusion power reactor. It builds upon research conducted on devices such as DIII-D, TFTR, JET, JT-60, and T-15, and will be considerably larger than any of them. The program is anticipated to last for 30 years—10 years for construction, and 20 years of operation—and cost approximately €10 billion ($12.1 billion), making it the second most expensive scientific project after the International Space Station. After many years of deliberation, the participants announced in June 2005 that ITER will be built in Cadarache, France. According to the ITER consortium, fusion power offers the potential of "environmentally benign, widely applicable and essentially inexhaustible"[1] [2] electricity, properties that they believe will be needed as world energy demands increase while simultaneously greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced,[3] justifying the expensive research project. ITER is designed to produce approximately 500 MW (500,000,000 watts) of fusion power sustained for up to 500 seconds (compared to JET's peak of 16 MW for less than a second). It is a significant amount of power for a fusion research project; a future fusion power plant would generate about 3000-4000 MW of thermal power. Although ITER will produce net power in the form of heat, the generated heat will not be used to generate any electricity. ITER was originally an acronym standing for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor; that title was dropped to avoid the negative popular connotations of 'thermonuclear' and 'experimental'. 'Iter' also means 'the way' in Latin, and this double meaning reflects ITER's role in harnessing nuclear fusion as a peaceful power source. ITER is intended to be an experimental step between today's studies of plasma physics and future electricity-producing fusion power plants. It is technically ready to start construction and the first plasma operation is expected in 2016.
- ITER est un générateur à fusion. Le principe est très simple : quand une pression énorme est créée autour d'une entreprise, elle se voit forcée de fusionner avec une autre société. La fusion de deux entreprises crée une énergie physique et médiatique énorme autour de l'événement. Cette énergie — calculée en Une — en minute d'info ou en audimat suffit à faire fonctionner les media pendant plusieurs heures. Donc, en faisant fusionner un grand nombre d'entreprises, on pourrait alimenter un pays entier en media. Toutefois, la masse salariale de la nouvelle entité est inférieure à la somme de la masse salariale des deux entreprises. Il y a donc une diminution de la masse salariale via un phénomène physique appelé licenciement.