| - The Bermuda Triangle is used as an Ekaterina stronghold. It was mentioned in Beyond the Grave by Alistair that there was an Ekaterina stronghold there. Uranium is a known Clue that was hidden there. It is the perfect place to hide the Clue because it is a very far away place and has many scary rumors, because of the disappearing ships and planes that never come back due to the stronghold's extremely high-tech security system. It is also mentioned that the Ekaterinas keep other branches out of their strongholds by sinking their ships and planes--the explanation for why so many vehicles are destroyed there. For Non-Cahills this placed is believed to be cursed and have an electromagnetic field.
- The Bermuda Triangle is a popular place for works of fiction to place mysterious events, especially the disappearances of ships and airplanes. Often, it will turn out that something really weird is involved with the area, such as aliens, paranormal activity, Eldritch Abominations, or Atlantis. If the events are of human origin, it's still something weird like an Ancient Conspiracy or dangerous Cult. Examples of The Bermuda Triangle include:
- In Robin 101, Marshall finds his old barrel Mabel from the basement of his apartment building, which he couldn't keep in the apartment because Lily "claimed" that she is allergic to barrel resin. He decided to put it in the triangle to give away but is disappointed when no one takes it. Later, Barney puts a notebook (which was filled with information he got from Ted about Robin to be a better boyfriend to her) on top of Mabel, which disappears in an instant.
- The Bermuda Triangle has been reported to have been a strange location where many aircraft or surface vessels strangely disappeared. Amelia Earheart (Far right) was a famous female pilot. On her trip around the globe, she gave out many reports along the way. Suddenly, The reports stopped and she disappeared. She was never found. Another famous BTE (Bermuda Triangle Event) also occurred with the 'USS Cyclops'. This vessel was crossing through the Bermuda Triangle when suddenly, all radios from the vessel to any outside radios were jammed. The USS Cyclops disappeared. None of the crew have been found.
| - In Robin 101, Marshall finds his old barrel Mabel from the basement of his apartment building, which he couldn't keep in the apartment because Lily "claimed" that she is allergic to barrel resin. He decided to put it in the triangle to give away but is disappointed when no one takes it. Later, Barney puts a notebook (which was filled with information he got from Ted about Robin to be a better boyfriend to her) on top of Mabel, which disappears in an instant. Later, in Something Old, when Lily and Marshall are packing for their yearlong move to Rome, with the help of Ted because he's ''packing master", they decide to put the stuff they are not taking to Rome in the triangle. When they talk about what to do with a ten year old beanbag chair, Ted says that they have to take to Rome, much to Marshall and Lily's surprise, as they don't want to do that. They try to convince Ted to leave the chair, but he stays put. Marshall and Lily then send Ted to run an errand, and put the chair in the triangle but Ted realizes that they fooled him and sits on the chair before someone takes it away. When Ted tells the real reason he wants them to take the chair, he asks them to leave him alone to say goodbye to the chair. He then gets up to hail a cab and looks back to see that the chair has disappeared.
- The Bermuda Triangle is a popular place for works of fiction to place mysterious events, especially the disappearances of ships and airplanes. Often, it will turn out that something really weird is involved with the area, such as aliens, paranormal activity, Eldritch Abominations, or Atlantis. If the events are of human origin, it's still something weird like an Ancient Conspiracy or dangerous Cult. Part of the Hollywood Atlas. The triangle is a region in the Atlantic Ocean, much of which is south-west of the coast of Bermuda. Before it became popular in pure Speculative Fiction, the triangle started out as an Urban Legend. Although that legend has since been discredited, with the number of disappearances being no higher or lower than any other part of the ocean of similar size and weather, it continues to live on through its popularity in fiction. Examples of The Bermuda Triangle include:
- The Bermuda Triangle has been reported to have been a strange location where many aircraft or surface vessels strangely disappeared. Amelia Earheart (Far right) was a famous female pilot. On her trip around the globe, she gave out many reports along the way. Suddenly, The reports stopped and she disappeared. She was never found. Another famous BTE (Bermuda Triangle Event) also occurred with the 'USS Cyclops'. This vessel was crossing through the Bermuda Triangle when suddenly, all radios from the vessel to any outside radios were jammed. The USS Cyclops disappeared. None of the crew have been found. The government of the U.S.A. have tried to cover these stories up, and the many suspicions that followed with a simple sentence "What has happened in the Bermuda Triangle region can also happen in any other place of the ocean. Although this was said, people still continued to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. In 1998, a commercial plane, flying from Miami to San Puerto Rico disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Nothing was ever found. Many have thought that the Bermuda Triangle is an inhabitant area for what we call "Extra-Terrestrials" or, Aliens. Others say that the Devil has his "gate" there. What do you think?
- The Bermuda Triangle is used as an Ekaterina stronghold. It was mentioned in Beyond the Grave by Alistair that there was an Ekaterina stronghold there. Uranium is a known Clue that was hidden there. It is the perfect place to hide the Clue because it is a very far away place and has many scary rumors, because of the disappearing ships and planes that never come back due to the stronghold's extremely high-tech security system. It is also mentioned that the Ekaterinas keep other branches out of their strongholds by sinking their ships and planes--the explanation for why so many vehicles are destroyed there. For Non-Cahills this placed is believed to be cursed and have an electromagnetic field.