| - Jager is a human who serves as a commanding officer of a lesser known mercenary army, known as the Bersia Mercenaries, around 150 years after the Encablossan War. In Kingdom Under Fire II, Jager acts as the player's superior officer until their promotion, and instructs them in the ways of commanding troops. After learning of the return of Encablossa from a mysterious elf mage and encountering Encablossans himself, Jager dedicates his Bersia Mercenaries to assisting the Human Alliance wherever they may need it.
* Main Weapon: Bastard Sword
* Main Skill: Mêlée
- Since the founding of Kakuzensho, they are often considered to be the Elite Anbu of the village. The new team is composed of ten individuals, and is lead by ..... Despite acting as Anbu, at times they will still look for rare and valuable objects.
- Jager is een beroep. Jagers verzamelen vlees en verwerken dit tot geconserveerd vlees.
- Jager is the Vindice who appeared before Giotto and Cozarto Simon after the two agreed that the Simon Famiglia would disappear from the Mafia world after the betrayal of Daemon Spade. He claims to be a Vindice shining like Bermuda von Veckenschtein, and is now partaking in the Representative Battle of the Rainbow as his team's boss. He is said to be the strongest Vindice warrior.
- Jager is a robot that was found during a rilux attack and was programmed to learn, as it learned to fight and protect.
- Jager ist der Vindice, welcher vor Giotto und Cozart erschienen ist, nachdem sich die beiden geschworen haben, dass die Shimon Famiglia aus der Mafia Welt "verschwindet". Er behauptet von sich ein Vindice zu sein, welcher genauso wie Bermuda Von Vichtenstein erstrahlt und nimmt am Kampf der Repräsentanten der Arcobaleno als Boss von Bermudas Team teil.
- Jager er navnet på en posisjon på rumpeldunkbanen. På et rumpeldunklag er det tre jagere som kaster sluffen mellom seg og prøver å score på en av tre målringer. Klarer en jager å score vil laget spilleren er på få ti poeng. Posisjonen har eksistert helt siden rumpeldunkens barndom
- Pris: 60 - Vedligeholdelse: 1 skjold Kræver teknologi: Flight Forældes af: Stealth-jager Angreb: 4 - Forsvar: 3 Liv: 20 - Skudstyrke: 2 Bevægelse: 10 Synsfelt: 2
* Kan opløses i en by og du kan dermed genbruge 50 % af den oprindelige produktionsomkostning.
* Kan angribe fjendtlige fly.
* Kan blive veteranenhed via kamp eller træning.
* Jageren skal være i en by, eller på et Hangarskib efter 1 runde.
- You can talk to him in the Pub Drachenhauch in Nagapur (Nordenalm) when hired to get his parameter bonus. Upon completion of UFO!?, his Parameter bonus will be available.