| - Sasuken Uchiha is the son of Teridax, and one of the Makuta Anima. He controls the Element of Electricity, and is Ynot's right hand Makuta. Sasuken has demonstrated time and again that he is a very capable pilot, frequently flying anything he can get his grubby little hands on. Sasuken has problems with Ynot being leader, but is still loyal to him to the very end. When Ynot is away, Sasuken is usually the one to take his place as leader, and resumes his roll of right hand Makuta when he returns.
- Sasuken Uchiha is the son of Teridax, and one of the Makuta Anima. He controls the Element of Electricity, and is Ynot's right hand Makuta. Sasuken has demonstrated time and again that he is a very capable pilot, frequently flying anything he can get his grubby little hands on. Sasuken has problems with Ynot being leader, but is still loyal to him to the very end. When Ynot is away, Sasuken is usually the one to take his place as leader, and resumes his roll of right hand Makuta when he returns. And now he is out on a date with Blue and Shikhazra.
| - Sasuken Uchiha is the son of Teridax, and one of the Makuta Anima. He controls the Element of Electricity, and is Ynot's right hand Makuta. Sasuken has demonstrated time and again that he is a very capable pilot, frequently flying anything he can get his grubby little hands on. Sasuken has problems with Ynot being leader, but is still loyal to him to the very end. When Ynot is away, Sasuken is usually the one to take his place as leader, and resumes his roll of right hand Makuta when he returns. As of Late, Sasuken has been stepping up, taking more risks, and stepping out of Ynot's shadow more and more. He even managed to build and name his own ship.
- Sasuken Uchiha is the son of Teridax, and one of the Makuta Anima. He controls the Element of Electricity, and is Ynot's right hand Makuta. Sasuken has demonstrated time and again that he is a very capable pilot, frequently flying anything he can get his grubby little hands on. Sasuken has problems with Ynot being leader, but is still loyal to him to the very end. When Ynot is away, Sasuken is usually the one to take his place as leader, and resumes his roll of right hand Makuta when he returns. As of Late, Sasuken has been stepping up, taking more risks, and stepping out of Ynot's shadow more and more. He even managed to build and name his own ship. Holy CRAP! He just took on Blackout, and held his own...He seems to want to kill The Architect as well. And now he is out on a date with Blue and Shikhazra.