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- Clive fue un miembro de la Iniciativa Dharma en los 70's. En el episodio "He's Our You" ayudó a algunos reclutas a apagar el fuego causado por la furgoneta Dharma en llamas que se estrelló en una casa de los Barracones. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Personal de la Iniciativa Dharma
- Although a very talented musician, the drummer in Lizzy's band had always felt unfulfilled. In fact Clive had an energy burning within him that he couldn't easily express with a couple of drum sticks and a bit of percussion. But now he can create a crater every time he bangs his new instruments, a whole new world of sound has opened up to him that’s much more his kind of thing.
- Clive 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他在迷失 第5季第10集正式登場。
- Clive was present at "the vote" to determine if Sayid should be executed. He pulled out fire hoses to put out a fire with Juliet when a flaming DHARMA van crashed into a house at the Barracks. ("He's Our You")
- Clive is character featured in RAGE: The Scorchers. He is a resident of Wellspring and owner of Jackpots. He first appears with his hands tied on a table being interrogated by Sarah. Sarah is attempting to get information as to where the Scorchers are hiding, due to his past membership in the Scorchers. He claims he will only be able to if he can leave the Wasteland, specifically going to Oasis, thus starting the quest "Ticket to Oasis". After returning with the ticket, he uses his Keycard to open up a maintenance room with a Sewer hatch leading into the Wellspring Tunnels.
- During Kennith's Concerns, he is seen mining a rock together with his wife as they are under the influence of Kennith. If you talk to Clive after Kennith's Concerns he will ask that you get his family something from the surface. The items cannot be noted. You will be rewarded 2 coal ore (noted) for your effort. He may ask for the following:
* Leather boots
* Pot
* Knife
* Rope
* Unlit candle
* Spade
* Tinderbox
* Bucket
* Iron hatchet
* Chisel
* Hammer
- Doctor Clive was a scientist in Cambridge, and one of the scientists who assisted in the creation of the Rage Virus.
- Clive ist eine holografische Figur aus dem Holoprogramm Die Schlacht um England, das Chief O'Brien und Dr. Bashir gelegentlich spielen. Von einem Einsatz im zweiten Weltkrieg kommt Clive nicht zurück. Er versenkt seine Spitfire während eines Angriffs der Deutschen im Ärmelkanal. O'Brien und Bashir trinken daraufhin im Quark's auf seinen Tod. (DS9: )
- Clive is the of Judith Harper-Melnick's Clive's Work. played by: Brendan Patrick Connor
- Clive is a giant red snake that only appears briefly, and never actually in person. He is turned into a statue at first in the Walled Garden and as a picture on the wall throughout the mansion. One of the Unfortunate Victims is dangling from the statue's mouth. He also appers in the gallary with the other missing ghoulies.
- Clive was a dark green tank engine with an unusual box shape and a Scottish accent. He was one of the four 0-4-0T engines with open cabs and square tanks that operated on the Sodor and Mainland Railway from 1856 until the line went bankrupt. He was then used for different jobs on Sodor, but was eventually scrapped because he was too weak to handle heavier loads.
- Clive is a character in Platform Panic.
- Clive belongs to the Philadelphia Crime Scene Unit.
- Clive (クレーベ Kurēbe, Clerbe in the Japanese version) is a playable character in Fire Emblem Gaiden and its remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. He is the original leader of the Deliverance, and the brother of Clair. He is 27 years old. In Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, he is voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya in the Japanese version.
- Clive, posing as Future Luke, has essentially a grown-up version of Luke's outfit. He wears a light blue suit jacket and similar shoes to Luke's with knee-length, blue ribbed socks underneath. He wears a dark blue cap with three seams and a tie around the collar of his white shirt. When his cover is blown, he takes the cap off, and leaves it at the Thames Arms. In his early life Clive is seen wearing red shorts, a dark green cap with a brown brim, a brown shirt, and an olive coloured jacket with a popped collar. His eyes appear black and his hair is light brown.
- Clive (JP) is a playable character that appears in Fire Emblem: Gaiden and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. File:Marth (Fire Emblem Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~).pngThis Fire Emblem related article is a stub. Please help by expanding it.File:Marth (Fire Emblem Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~).png
- Clive is a fictional character in a rhyming children's story that Debra writes in the episode "The Children's Book". He's a bunny that wants to run away from home but soon realizes that there isn't any place better than home. Winky is Clive's counterpart in Ray's children's story.
- Clive is a follower of the Olacion Order that joins the Rose Cochon Brigade for their first mission, to escort a dwarf trader to Radiata Castle.
- Gunned down by Autons, though some believe it was part of an internal molehunt to erase Clive from Doctor Who.
- Clive is a minor henchman in the 1989 film Licence to Kill. He was played by Eddie Edenfield.
- Clive is a TV face. Like Shopkeep, he has appeared in various roles. He speaks with an American accent (ironically, most Americans consider Clive a distinctly British name). Weebl referred to him as James in chat.
- Clive is Garfield's invisible friend that he (possibly) made up. Clive debuted on April 22, 1996, in a week of comic strips. Later on, he "appeared" again one more time. Usually Garfield would blame Clive for his bad behavior, making Jon angry. The latest mention of Clive was on July 16, 2003.
- Clive was the older of two cooks serving on the cruiser Reliable, part of an Imperial fleet blockading the ThonBoka nebula. He attempted to cheat Lando Calrissian in a game of sabacc. His dealing from the bottom of the deck was clumsy, and Lando spotted it right away; it was also ineffective, as the cards he dealt gave Lando a natural two-card twenty-three. When younger cook Merle let slip that the cruiser Courteous was in need of supplies, Clive kicked him under the table.
- Clive was a character in Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien's Battle of Britain holoprogram. A member of the Royal Air Force, he was killed when his plane crashed into the English Channel. Bashir and O'Brien later asked Odo to take Clive's place, though he declined. (DS9: "Homefront") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
- Clive is the Tensyo Star in Suikoden and Suikoden II.
- Clive war ein Mitglied der DHARMA Initiative in den 1970ern. Er holte einen Feuerwehrschlauch, um mit Juliet das Feuer zu löschen, als ein brennender DHARMA-Bus in ein Haus bei den Baracken fuhr. („“)
- Clive wurde in die Gilde der heulenden Stimmen hineingeboren und trainierte dort seit seiner Geburt. Er gehört zu drei Kindern, die bis zum Erwachsenwerden überlebten. Die anderen beiden, die überlebten, waren Elza und Kelly. Sie alle schlossen die Ausbildung erfolgreich ab. Die Gildenmeister wollten die anderen beiden aus den Weg räumen und zwangen Elza und Kelly zu einem Duell. Das Duell sollte mit Kelly's Waffe Mond abgehalten werden, die aber nicht schießen konnte. Die Gildenmeister befahlen Elza, ihn zu erschießen, was sie auch tat. Danach floh sie aus der Gilde.