| - Uhura was de hoofd communicatie officier van de USS Enterprise, Starfleet commando en de USS Enterprise-A, een onafgebroken carrière van 30 jaar.
- Nyota Uhura is the communications officer aboard the USS Enterprise. She along with Lieutenant Sulu infiltrated a Klingon outpost where they learned of the Klingons attempting to crossover into another universe. Under orders from Starfleet Command, she told Captain Kirk that he was ordered to do any means possible to stop the Klingons' violation of the Treaty of Organia. Including crossing into the Planet of the Apes itself.
- Nyota Uhura was a female Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. She served as a communications officer aboard the USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise-A under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. (Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- Nyota Upenda Uhura was a Federation Starfleet officer in both the 23rd century and the 24th century. Nearly thirty years of that service was under Captain James T. Kirk, aboard the USS Enterprise and the USS Enterprise-A.
- Nyota Uhura pełniła służbę jako główny oficer łączności na pokładzie Enterprise pod dowództwem James T. Kirka przez prawie trzydzieści lat, po czym kontynuowała karierę jako wykładowca w Akademii Gwiezdnej Floty.
- Nyota Uhura ist eine Sternenflottenoffizierin aus dem 23. Jahrhundert. Sie dient zunächst unter Captain Christopher Pike, kurzzeitig unter dem zum stellvertretenden Captain beförderten Spock und später unter dem jungen Captain James T. Kirk als Kommunikationsoffizierin an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). Sie hat eine Liebesbeziehung mit Spock. (Star Trek)
- Nyota naquit Terre aux États-unis d'Afrique. D'origine Swahili, elle en parlait la langue qui fut bien plus naturelle pour elle que l'anglais. (TOS: "the Man Trap", "The Changeling", "Spectre of the Gun") Elle courait le 100 mètres en temps record. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon")