| - Suicidal Tendencies is an American punk band whose song "Institutionalized" appeared in the episode "Free Verse" of the series Miami Vice.
- Suicidal Tendencies is the twelfth level of Wicked.
- "Suicidal Tendencies" is the seventeenth episode of the third season of Arrow and the sixty-third episode overall. This episode features the return of the Suicide Squad.
- Suicidal Tendencies was a heavyweight robot that entered in Series 3, 4 and 5 of Robot Wars, along with the first series of Robot Wars Extreme. Known primarily for its tracked design, Suicidal Tendencies reached two Heat Finals and was the runner-up of the Tag Team Terror competition in Extreme Series 1.
- "Suicidal Tendencies" is a Moon Man single produced by Moon Lunatic in 2015. Its backing music comes from "Suicidal Thoughts" by the Notorious B.I.G.. Audrina Patridge and Sun Man make guest appearances in the song, although Moon Man refers to them as Barbara and Jerome, respectively. The song appears on Singles: Volume 5.
- Suicidal Tendencies is an American hardcore punk band formed in 1981.
- <default>Suicidal Tendencies</default> Apariciones Género Canción/es Suicidal Tendencies es un grupo de hardcore punk y metal formado en 1981 en Venice, Los Ángeles. A veces citados como uno de los grupos pioneros del crossover thrash, por que más tarde incorporaron elementos del thrash metal a su música hardcore punk.
- Suicidal Tendencies are an American crossover thrash band. Their song "Institutionalized" is featured in Iron Man.
- Peel seems to have heard the group from the Repo Man movie (a film which Peel named in 1986 and 1987 as one of the greatest movies ever), where the band's Institutionalized track was used in the film. Some of the tracks from Suicidal Tendencies' debut album were played on Peel's shows and JP even claimed that Institutionalized was one of the best ever tracks he had heard. Later albums of Suicidal Tendencies weren't played on his show, as their music started to crossover into thrash metal, which he wasn't majority keen on.
- Suicidal Tendencies (tamén coñecida coma S.T. ou Suicidal) é unha banda estadounidense formada en Venice, Los Angeles, California, en 1981 polo seu líder e único membro permanente, o vocalista Mike Muir.
- Suicidal Tendencies is a hardcore/crossover thrash band that was founded in Venice, Los Angeles, California, in 1981 by the leader and only permanent member, singer Mike Muir. The band is credited as one of "the fathers of crossover thrash". To date, Suicidal Tendencies have released eleven studio albums (one of which is a "double-EP", and two of which mainly contain re-recordings of their own songs), one EP, four split albums, three compilation albums, and two long-form videos.
- thumb|300px|Suicidal Tendencies – Logo Die Suicidal Tendencies (dt.: selbstmörderische Neigungen) aus Venice Beach, Kalifornien, USA, machen seit ihrem Debüt 1983 sehr guten Crossover. Sie haben ihren ursprünglichen Hardcore mit Thrash Metal vereinigt und später um Funk-Elemente erweitert, außerdem haben sie schöne Melodien – und hier sind diese wegen der Lässigkeit auch willkommen. Suicidal Tendencies sind absolut legendär, mit der Skater-Szene aufgewachsen, haben sie ihren eigenen Trend kreiert und genießen heute mit 50 noch vollen Respekt. Sie waren nur von 1995 bis 1997 inaktiv.