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Ancient Amnian tales tell of a vicious, bloodthirsty creature, Stygian in nature, that are the incarnation of a deceased person's evil doings. They are rare, causing many to believe them to be but myths, but many of the old Amnian sages say otherwise. Legend has it that the wendigos live reclusive lives in the forest, and they only come out every hundred years on a full moon, where they go on a 3 day long spree of murder and bloodshed, turning those they don't turn to bloody ribbons into more wendigos.

  • Wendigo
  • Wendigo
  • Wendigo
  • Wendigo
  • Wendigo
  • Wendigo
  • Wendigo
  • Ancient Amnian tales tell of a vicious, bloodthirsty creature, Stygian in nature, that are the incarnation of a deceased person's evil doings. They are rare, causing many to believe them to be but myths, but many of the old Amnian sages say otherwise. Legend has it that the wendigos live reclusive lives in the forest, and they only come out every hundred years on a full moon, where they go on a 3 day long spree of murder and bloodshed, turning those they don't turn to bloody ribbons into more wendigos.
  • Catégorie:Antagonistes Le Wendigo est une créature inspirée des légendes amérindiennes, proche du loup-garou ou du yéti, et qui dévore le cœur de ses victimes.
  • Wendigos, known as the Men of the Wild by the Priests of Rathma, are a type of monster found in Diablo II.
  • Tribo garou que primeiramente povoou, juntamente com os Croatan e os Uktena, a América do Norte. Ver Lobisomem - O Apocalipse, Edição Revisada, página xxx. São conhecidos, juntamente com seus irmãos Croatan e Uktena, como Os Puros.
  • Wendigos are evil creatures made of ice which have the power to freeze you with ice shards shot from their hands. They go down quickly, but you will go down even more quickly if you don't keep moving, because these things are faster than they look. Don't let their hairy bulk lead you into thinking they are slow and stupid; they're stupid, but they're not slow. Wendigos can't be frozen (probably because they can't get any colder).
  • Wendigo is a Meso-Titan used by Professor Rickman to defeat Dante Vale and steal his ancient Mayan / Aztecan bowl in the past.
  • Based on a wendigo from Algonquian legend, a cannibalistic giant or a person who has been transformed into a monster by the consumption of human flesh.
  • A cannibal spirit of Algonquian myth. Highly associated with coldness and famine, and are also embodiments of gluttony, greed, excess, etc. Some say that those overcome with greed turn into a Wendigo. All beliefs about the Wendigo agreed that humans could turn into a Wendigo if they become cannibals or if they are possessed by a Wendigo. It was once described as "gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave." They are large and grow even more with each human they eat.
  • Image:Wendigo 001.jpg|Wendigo (Paul Cartier) Image:Wendigo 001.jpg|Wendigo (Georges Baptiste) Image:Wendigo III 001.jpg|Wendigo (Francois Lartigue) Image:None|Mauvais Image:None|Wendigo (American) Image:None|Wendigo (British Columbia villain) Image:None|Yeti (Weapon Prime)
  • Wendigo is a member of the Skeleton enemy family.
  • Wendigo is a monster in AdventureQuest Worlds.
  • Wendigo was an assassin.
  • Yetiartige Wesen
  • Wendigo jest zwykłym śmiertelnikiem. Dawniej był w kimś zakochany, jednak po zdradzie ukochanej osoby zemścił się na niej, wyrywając i zjadając jej serce. Od tamtej pory jego własne stało się lodem. Za dnia jest zwykłym człowiekiem, jednak podczas pełni zmienia się w krwożerczą bestię, która żywi się sercami dobrych lub zakochanych ludzi. Jego jedyną słaboscią jest ogień i tylko on może go zniszczyć, topiąc jego serce. thumb
  • The Wendigo is a primal demon which terrorized the Native American Algonquians and other Native American races in Stephen King's novels The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and Pet Sematary.
  • The Wendigo is a demonic creature appearing in the legends of the Algonquian peoples. It is thought of variously as a notorious, cannibalistic spirit that could possess humans or a monster that humans could physically transform into after succumbing to cannibalistic acts. The living form of the Wendigo is commonly depicted as a stag-headed humanoid, but at other times, with a Sasquatch-based appearance.
  • This tall, emaciated creature has pale skin stretched taut over bones that seem to push outward and threaten to split the flesh. Its head resembles that of a monstrous elk, but with deeply inset eyes gleaming with a feral, hungry light, and tattered, bloody lips that part to reveal jagged broken teeth. Humanoid in basic shape, the creature’s legs end not in feet but in blackened, charred stumps.
  • The Wendigo are one of the tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Considering themselves to be the purest of the Garou, the Wendigo seek to destroy the influence of Wyrm while preserving their old traditions.
  • Les principales espèces de wendigos sont situées dans les environs de Forgefer et de Gnomeregan, mais aussi en Norfendre. Ce sont de terribles créatures qui s'attaquent parfois aux béliers nains.thumb|Un wendigo Catégorie:Humanoïde Catégorie:Norfendre Catégorie:Bestiaire
  • Wendigo is the 2nd episode of Season 1. It aired on September 20, 2005.
  • "The Wendigo is a variant of the Nova Cat that uses a PPC and autocannon instead of lasers." -MechAssault 2 Manual
  • Wendigo was a member of the rogue group of code vial consumers, Unlimit. Not much is known of that girl, but her late transformation resulted in her getting brain-damaged, only speaking in garbled words. Despite this, she is proven to be lethal.
  • Volk Yeti Volk Art Humanoid Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Nordend Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Die auf Nordend heimischen Wendigos sind eine Unterart der Yetis und überaus gefräßige Geschöpfe. Sie sind von Natur aus Einzelgänger und leben selten bei anderen ihrer Art.
  • A Wendigo is an Otherkin cannibal which was originally a human. These came in the frontier ages, and it was legend that by eating human flesh you could gain great speed, invincibility, etc. Over time you would slowly turn into a ghoul like Wendigo. The Wendigo has very few weaknesses. Guns and knives will do nothing. The main way to defeat it is by burning it. The Wendigo has a special way to keep its victims alive for a long time, while feeding on them. They however never lose their craving no matter how much they eat.
  • Wendigo was a female member of the rogue group of code vial consumers, Unlimit. Not much is known of that girl, but her late transformation resulted in her getting brain-damaged, only speaking in garbled words. Despite this, she is proven to be lethal.
  • Wendigo is a monster found in the fourth Hero and Monster Collection set, Guardians of Deephall. It was previously found in the Second Edition Conversion Kit.
  • The Wendigo comes from Algonquin mythology and believed to be a cannibal evil spirit hailing to the northern part of the Atlantic Coast. The creature is associated with insatiable greed, murder, cannibalism.
  • A Wendigo is a formerly mortal demonic creature that can transform between a human and demonic form. It hunts during the three nights of the full moon, seeking to devour the hearts of its victims. Those who survive its scratch become Wendigos themselves. The Wendigo seeks victims with AB negative blood, who are in love or at least those who have good hearts. When victims are turned into Wendigos, they can only be turned back by destroying the creature who turned them. Its only known weakness is fire.
  • Also spelled Windigo, Weetigo and Wetiko among others (depending on the language and region), the Wendigo is a human being turned into a cannibal monster in the belief systems of several Algonquian peoples. The causes of this transformation and the Wendigo's general appearance vary from region to region. Some lores have it that eating human flesh is what makes you turn into one, but in others you can become one just by coming across a Wendigo or by being possessed by the spirit of a Wendigo. Its most common description is a dreadfully skinny giant of ice devoid of lips and toes. The more it devours, the larger it grows, and thus it can never find enough food to satisfy its hunger. In the mythologies of several Amerindian Nations, the Wendigo can revive if you don't destroy its body entirel
  • Wendigos zijn grote, harige mensachtigen die wonen in een koud klimaat, ze komen vaak voor in Dun Morogh. Wendigo vaak variëren in niveau van de 5-7 en zijn vaakgejaagd en masse in het centrum van Dun Morogh. Wendigo kan worden gevild opleerling-niveau.De inheemse Wendigo van Northrend zijn buitengewoon vraatzuchtig wezens.Kannibalistisch en wilde deze met bont bedekte mensachtigen zijn erg territoriaal enniet vriendelijk te nemen om indringers struikelen in hun jachtgebieden. Ze nemen nog minder vriendelijk om personen die hun land opzettelijk. Deze lange, gespierdemensachtige is bedekt met ruige vacht. Zijn voeten en klauwen handen zijn enorm, eneen paar dodelijke horens kronen zijn kop. De logge humanoïde staan ​​10 meter hoog.Het ziet er vaag ogre-achtige, maar is bedekt met een witte
  • Several people have been afflicted with the curse of the Wendigo, including Paul Cartier, Georges Baptiste, Francois Lartigue, Lorenzo, Mauvais and others. The curse is regional to the woods of Northern Canada and takes place, under the right conditions, when a person in the forests of Canada feeds on human flesh. This "Curse of the Wendigo" was created by the Northern Gods (also known as "the Inua") in an effort to deter human cannibalism. The cannibal transforms into a superhumanly strong, nearly indestructible, fur-covered monster: the Wendigo. He or she then roams the woods eating human beings. The Wendigo has frequently fought the Hulk, Wolverine, and Alpha Flight. Paul Cartier transformed into the Wendigo, battled the Hulk, and escaped. He battled the Hulk again and encountered Wolve
  • The vile Wendigo of North America are said to be the vestiges of humans who turned to cannibalism. For their spite of humanity, they were outcast not just by their fellow man, but by life and the Earth herself. In truth, the Earth bears no spite towards any of its children. The Wendigo strain stems from a less caring mistress, the particulars of its genesis now lost to millennia. But before modern man was man, there was hunger - and in that red place within us the curse incubates, transmitting silently through generations. The early Native Americans tried at first to succour those who had transformed, rehabilitate them, but they came to realise that once turned, these once-men could only be destroyed. Rage heightens their hunger; the hunger never abates. It is a cycle that makes the Wendig
  • Der Wendigo (Vielfraß; auch Windigo, Kokodjo, Atcen (sprich Ät-schen) ist eine mythologische Gestalt. Nach den Vorstellungen der Anishinabe, Cree und anderer algonkinsprachiger Ethnien stellt er den Inbegriff der Völlerei dar; er verzehrt Menschenfleisch. Die amerikanischen Ureinwohner glauben, dass jeder, der Menschenfleisch isst, selbst zum Wendigo wird und für immer von einem unstillbaren Hunger auf Menschenfleisch gequält wird. Wendigowak greifen mit Brutalität an, leben bevorzugt im Wald und jagen nur nachts. Mythen zufolge gibt es vier Möglichkeiten, wie man zum Wendigo wird:
  • In the mythology of the Algonquian-speaking Native American tribes, the Wendigo is a malevolent supernatural creature, usually described as a giant with a heart of ice; sometimes it is said to be entirely made of ice. Its body is skeletal and deformed, with missing lips and toes.
  • The vicious Wendigo are a constant danger to the outlying settlements and trade routes of Duranin. Small, primitive humanoids with greenish-gray skin like rough leather, Wendigo are known for their savagery and tenacity. Their large jaws boast a wicked set of sharp teeth, and their dull yellow eyes reflect the moonlight like wild beasts.
  • 250px|thumb|Wendigo Wendigo to straszne, żarłoczne duchy natury, nawiedzające zmarznięte tundry i puszcze. Wielu uważa je za nieumarłe duchy lub złych przybyszów, ale w rzeczywistości należą do świata natury. Są jej mroczną stroną - wieczne, głodne i okrutne. Obleczone w ciało siły kanibalizmu, samotności i szaleństwa. Wendigo większość czasu spędza, spacerując w powietrzu, a staje się materialny tylko w celu pożywienia się ofiarami. Jawi się wówczas jako zdziczała, dzikooka i nadnaturalnie szybka parodia tego, czym był niegdyś. Oczy stwora czasami płoną nienawistnym, zimnym światłem, a paszczę wypełniają ostre, krzywe zęby. Niektóre wendigo porastają splątane włosy, inne są łyse. Wszystkie mają jedną wspólną cechę - ich nogi kończą się zwęglonymi, krwawymi kikutami. Jako duchy powietrza n
  • thumb El Wendigo es una criatura mítica de las leyendas algonquinas. Algunos sostienen que se trata de un espíritu que, en determinadas circunstancias, logra materializarse e incluso poseer el cuerpo de un ser humano. Casi siempre el Wendigo es descrito como un ser diabólico, aunque nadie, salvo sus víctimas, saben cómo es realmente. El Wendigo se anuncia en el aire, se presiente como un viento que paraliza la naturaleza durante los meses de invierno. Nunca deja señales de sus ataques, salvo, quizás, sus huellas.
  • Wendigo are large, furry humanoids related to yetis that dwell in cold climates; they are common in Dun Morogh. Wendigo often range in levels of 5-7 and are often hunted en masse in central Dun Morogh. Wendigo can be skinned at apprentice level. An adult wendigo stands well over 7 feet tall and weighs about 1,200 pounds. (MG 140)
  • El Wendigo es un enemigo en Hexen:Beyond Heretic, que aparece por primera vez en Centro 1 Siete Portales. Es una criatura elemental, hecha completamente de hielo y adoptando una figura antropomorfa. Atacan disparando un par de esferas de hielo de sus manos. Dichas esferas vuelan en línea recta, a una velocidad considerable y al hacer contacto con cualquier obstáculo explotan en múltiples fragmentos que viajan en todas direcciones (aunque sólo en el plano horizontal, dadas las limitaciones del juego); esto hace difícil evadir daño aún estando en cubierta y muy peligrosos en combate cuerpo a cuerpo.
  • Wendigos are enemies from Hexen. These frostbitten fiends appear in only three or four levels, depending on the class the player is using: The Seven Portals (in the area with the second portal to Guardian of Ice), Guardian of Ice, Guardian of Steel, and Vivarium (when playing as the Mage). Wendigos shoot two ice balls which fragment much in the same way as an Iron Lich's ice ball in Heretic. If the player's health is reduced to 0 and the finishing blow is from an ice ball from a Wendigo, the player will become frozen solid, then shatter after a short while.
  • Anthrophagus pilosis Budowa: wendigo ma 2,5 metra wzrostu i waży 130 kilogramów. Jest wyprostowanym dwunogiem o białym futrze. Paznokcie jego dłoni są stwardniałe i rozrośnięte do formy szponiastej broni. Wielu paranaturalistów uważa, że stworzenie to jest skutkiem działania wirusa LMLWW na orków, choć żaden osobnik nie był nigdy testowany na obecność wirusa. W czaszce znajduje się 28 zębów. Samice mają 2 piersi. Gatunki podobne: Choć futro i fizjonomia wendigo jest całkowicie odmienna od sasquatcha, gatunki te często bywają mylone, zwykle przez osoby będące przejazdem w rejonie występowania. Obszary zamieszkiwania: lasy Zdolności magiczne: większość istot jest magicznie aktywna. Zwyczaje: Wendigo jest najbardziej aktywny nocą. Żywi się mięsem, ale uważa się, iż zabiera też energię psyc
  • Aunque son vistos en raras ocasiones, la existencia de los wendigos se evidencia por los fieros y primarios rugidos que resuenan en los brumosos picos de Rasganorte. Muchos creen que estas criaturas caníbales y solitarias son parientes de los wendigos que habitan las montañas de Dun Morogh.
  • The Wendigo is a huge gorilla, mole-like creature native to the icy mountainous regions of Quorellia (Star Wars: Wampa). Standing 3 to 4 meters tall, these creatures can tear the roof off a hellion with relative ease. Normally feeding off lava leeches, Wendigoes have been known to attack Terran settlements in the night due to their hunting abilities relying heavily on sensing body temperatures. Special abilities:
  • The windego is a personification of winter and hunger. It takes different shapes in different stories, but is generally described as a skeletal giant with a huge maw for a mouth. The wendigo preys on humans in times of starvation and is very difficult to kill. In most stories, it's heart, which is made of ice, must be removed from its body and melted. This belief is paralleled by a culture bound psychosis in which a mentally ill person develops cannibalistic urges. However, the existence of this condition has been disputed in recent times.
  • Type: Hybrid Pet School: Myth Pedigree: varies based on what abilities they inherit from their parents. Cards: Gives one Forest Lord Item Card at Baby Egg Name: Chimerical Egg Hatch Time: 00:21:00 (Days:Hours:Minutes) Description: Looks like Forest Lord, but it has yellow glowing eyes and its fur is blue. Forest Lord (Pet) Humongofrog (Pet) Delicious Cookie Blonde Strawberry Caramel Popcorn Cracker King Banana Glowing Rock Candy Goat Cheese Golden Peanut Tasty Biscuit Stinky Cheese Looks Like: Forest Lord (Pet) Inferno Beast Cloud Beast
  • -
  • 4(xsd:integer)
  • 7(xsd:integer)
  • 11(xsd:integer)
  • 19(xsd:integer)
  • 23(xsd:integer)
  • 25(xsd:integer)
  • 27(xsd:integer)
  • 28(xsd:integer)
  • 30(xsd:integer)
  • 31(xsd:integer)
  • Niveau Inférieur
  • 1(xsd:integer)
  • y
  • 6(xsd:integer)
  • 14(xsd:integer)
  • 15(xsd:integer)
  • 38(xsd:integer)
  • -
Portrayed By
  • *Holly Marie Combs *Jocelyn Seagrave
  • 10(xsd:integer)
  • 21(xsd:integer)
  • 250(xsd:integer)
Main Character
  • Paul Cartier; Wendigo Disambiguation.jpg
  • Paul Cartier; Sabretooth Open Season Vol 1 4 Textless.jpg
  • Dark-Neutral
  • Always neutral
  • Dark-Law
  • 1(xsd:integer)
  • 83(xsd:integer)
  • ?
  • Information Biographique
  • . *Immortalité *Régénération
  • Description Physique
  • . *Holly Marie Combs * Jocelyn Seagrave
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