| - Jericho, Kansas, a fictional town, is the setting of the CBS TV series Jericho. It is described as being located in the fictitious "Fillmore County", east of Denver, Colorado, close to the Colorado border. Parts of the show were filmed in the real Kansas town of Lawrence, temporarily renamed Jericho for a day during filming. The pilot episode was filmed on location in Fillmore, California, and sets for Jericho were built at a studio in Van Nuys, California.
| - Jericho, Kansas, a fictional town, is the setting of the CBS TV series Jericho. It is described as being located in the fictitious "Fillmore County", east of Denver, Colorado, close to the Colorado border. Parts of the show were filmed in the real Kansas town of Lawrence, temporarily renamed Jericho for a day during filming. The pilot episode was filmed on location in Fillmore, California, and sets for Jericho were built at a studio in Van Nuys, California. There was an actual location in Kansas named "Jericho". It was a post office in Larabee Township, Gove County, Kansas, and folded in 1923. Oakley is the closest community that matches the fictional Jericho's apparent location, and some route numbers from the "official" CBS map of Jericho match, but Oakley is almost entirely in Logan County.
* In real life, Goodland KS is slightly closer to where the fictional city of Jericho is, about 60 miles west of Oakley, KS. This is most supported by the highway sign at the end of Season 1 Episode 7, when Jake and Eric are driving to the fictional city Rogue River, KS.
* Goodland is 238 miles west of Salina, and Oakley is only 182 miles west.