| - Reese is a character in Lab Rats: Elite Force, who went out briefly with Chase before revealing herself to be Roman & Riker's sister and Rodissius' daughter. She is portrayed by Fivel Stewart.
- Reese was a female android created by an unknown person, known for creating the Replicators.
- He uses melee to attack, using the Slaughter ability when he reaches 50% adrenaline and once dead, the player can obtain his swords. If the swords are lost at any point, another may be claimed from Xenia after the quest. If the player tries to spare Reese after the fight, he drinks poison and commits suicide, completing the ritual and opening the catacombs dungeon below the church. He cannot follow the player past the tomb door, so it is easy to escape him if in danger. This also causes him to stop being aggressive and only attack the player in retaliation.
- Reese was a supporting protagonist first seen in Turok. He acted as the team's long-range specialist and was one of the final members of Whiskey Company to die. He was voiced by Gideon Emery.
- A Reese is a koala based pet. It is a non-limited edition pet, meaning that their species is healthy and their habitat is not threatened. You can create one at any time. Pronounced Ree-ss
- Reese was one of two female police officers in Unit N11-11, the other being Foley, who recovered Jennifer Parker in an alleyway in 2015. Assuming she was the Jennifer of the future, they flew her back home to her future residence in Hilldale.
- Reese was one of Joey's close friend who appeared in "Mean and Green". Both him and Eric were attacked by the Demon Soldier Ragaback and were badly injured. He never made anymore appearances in the season after episode three (3).
- leftReese on Zamorakin palvelija, joka esiintyy The Blood Pact questissa. Hän on yksi kolmesta palvelijasta. Reese on viimeinen henkilö joka pitää tapaa. Reese käytää meleetä. Kun olet tappanut Reesen saat tältä swordin. Kuten muidenkin palvelijoiden Reesen nimi kuuluu aseeseen.(reese`s sword.) vaikka et valitsisi chatissä sen tappamis vaihtoehtoa,se tekee itsemurhan(myrkyttää itsensä) en:Reese Luokka:Lumbridge Catacombs Luokka:Henkilöt
- Reese was a student who attended Degrassi Community School in 2007. He appeared in three episodes of Season 8 of Degrassi: The Next Generation. However, it is unknown what happened to him. He was portrayed by Matthew Del Bel Belluz.
- Reese is an alpaca character who appears in the Animal Crossing series, first introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. She is an alpaca who works at Re-Tail with Cyrus, her husband. She is the character that the player can sell things to, ask for turnip prices, and can ask to display an item for villagers to purchase.
- Reese is a Koprulu Liberation Front rebel leader.
- Reese was an SSR Agent from Washington, D.C.
- Reese (リース Rīsu) is the protagonist of TearRing Saga: Berwick Saga. He is the young prince of Chinon and the son of king Vanstol. He was raised alongside Lanette.
- Reese is a member of an alien species that competes in the seventh Presidian.
- Reese was a child under the care of the Zanna Sully, after Sam Winchester had left him.
- Reese to bohaterka serialu Lab Rats: Elite Force. Jest grana przez Fivel Stewart.
- Reese is one of Mike's firends and he is Crimson Samurai Ranger.
- Reese was an agent of the Strategic Scientific Reserve and Peggy Carter’s co-worker.
- The name Reese might refer to:
* Reese (Lieutenant), assigned to DS9
* Reese (AR-558), soldier at AR-558
- Reese (called "Tombstone" by Lewis) was an ex-Army Ranger American mercenary hired by Reverend Arthur Marsh to retrieve Sarah Miller and the other Christian missionaries from the Tatmadaw Army.
- Reese var en kvinnlig android som skapats av en okänd person, känd för att skapa Replikatorerna.
- Reese est une androide, creatrice des replicateurs, trouvée par SG-1 sur une panète en ruine. D'abord inactive, SG-1 la ramena sur Terre est la reactiva. Elle a été conçut par son "père" mais avait le defaut d'avoir un age mentale de 5 ans. Elle crea sur sa planete les replicateurs comme de simple jouet, mais leur donna la capacité de se reproduire et de la defendre face à l'hostilité croissante de la population vis à vis de ces "jouets". Mais ceux-ci devinrent de plus en plus autonome et finirent par envahirent completement la planète. Ils partirent alors de celle-ci, lançant leur "mère" seule sur la planete. Elle se desactiva à cause de la solitude.
- Dr. Reese is a character in the novel Final Destination: Destination Zero. He is a veterinarian who works at a dog pound close to where Patti Fuller lives. After the death of Will Sax, Patti knew she had to kill herself in order to be saved from Death, so she went over to the pound to find anesthesia used to put down dogs. Lying to the nurse about running over a dog, Patti manages to get the doctor from his quarters, and then grabs his arm, threatening to break it if he doesn't show her where the drugs are. Leading her into the back, Patti grabs a bottle and kicks Doctor Reese in the groin, filling a syringe with an overdose of the anesthesia. Although the doctor suggested for Patti to get counseling or some form of help, she just yells at him to call 911, which he does. Patti proceeds to
- He used to be an acolyte of the Lumbridge church. When the wizard Caitlin found the notes of the necromancer Dragith Nurn, he made a pact with her and another Zamorakian, Kayle. They kidnapped Ilona, a student of the Wizards' Tower, with the intent of sacrificing her in the Lumbridge Catacombs. Their plan was to use Dragith's power to take over Lumbridge. He cannot follow the player past the tomb door, so it is easy to escape him if in danger. This also causes him to stop being aggressive and only attack the player in retaliation.