| - Godich von Schweetz (born 24 Hallowber 507 ACI) is a Vaniljotian prince and son of Tryffbin von Schweetz and Äpplika von Schweetz. He is currently second dual among with Majsja von Schweetz in line of succession to the Vaniljotian thrones. Godich married with Majsja in --- ACI because there are all grown up into teenagers. Born on 24 Hallowber 507 ACI in Diätolaest Mountain in Shugāhai Island, he lived secretly in the same place that he was born during her whole childhood among with Schweetz family, to not be caught by Shugāhai Kingdom's security police. During his childhood, he also went out to different places in Shugāhai Island but for a short time, mostly to Königzuckarstang Forest, best known for searching for Canpootians sitting here alone and then rape them, marking him one of . He also meet and greet about hundreds of Shugāhai citizens, but almost nobody liked because he was a glitch. He was restored back to normal again and moved among with her family to the newly-built house in Suberdigdoft. Godich was caught among with Schweetz family by Cy-Bugs at Cy-Bug Queen during the Fifth Cy-Bug Invasion of Canpooth in 522 ACI, and one year later by Böskelith Order after being transformed into a pony in Joyride Island, but re-transformed back into a Canpootian by Princess Strawbecca's powers after the Böskelith Order fled Stockholm. He stopped being follower of Ancient Canpootian religion and he later being christened and converted to Protestantism shortly after the capital city Vanockholm was built.