Back on planet Earth, Usagi runs into a young man who greatly resembles her beloved Tuxedo Mask/Endymion. She is glad to see that her boyfriend is unharmed, but is unaware that he is under the same mind-control that the Shitennou are under. His first, main assignment is to steal the mighty Silver Crystal from Usagi and eliminate her once and for all. At Ami's apartment, Rei, Makoto and Minako try to harness the great power and tap into the full mystical abilities of the sacred sword they had found on the Moon, and how to effectively use it against their enemies.
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| - Act 11 - Reunion, Endymion (episode)
| - Back on planet Earth, Usagi runs into a young man who greatly resembles her beloved Tuxedo Mask/Endymion. She is glad to see that her boyfriend is unharmed, but is unaware that he is under the same mind-control that the Shitennou are under. His first, main assignment is to steal the mighty Silver Crystal from Usagi and eliminate her once and for all. At Ami's apartment, Rei, Makoto and Minako try to harness the great power and tap into the full mystical abilities of the sacred sword they had found on the Moon, and how to effectively use it against their enemies.
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| - Back on planet Earth, Usagi runs into a young man who greatly resembles her beloved Tuxedo Mask/Endymion. She is glad to see that her boyfriend is unharmed, but is unaware that he is under the same mind-control that the Shitennou are under. His first, main assignment is to steal the mighty Silver Crystal from Usagi and eliminate her once and for all. At Ami's apartment, Rei, Makoto and Minako try to harness the great power and tap into the full mystical abilities of the sacred sword they had found on the Moon, and how to effectively use it against their enemies.
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