| - --Cirte 16:08, 23. Apr 2005 (CEST)
- The Inner Sanctum is a hovercraft affiliated with the E Pluribus Neo faction. Sametrix previously served on that ship, before moving on to serve as a crewmember aboard EPN's flag ship, Neo's Hope.
- Inner Sanctum is the sixth map of Final Episode: What Lies Beyond the Battle in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.
- The Inner Sanctum in Khura'in.
- The Inner Sanctum dungeon, which was added with patch 14.9, is a high level dungeon geared towards players of level 125+ (though, rest assured that level 125+ players won't last very long in there). As the "extension" of the Temple of Three Winds, this dungeon is similar in theme to the TotW, housing a mysterious cult of Hezak. Great adventures and treasures can be found inside the Inner Sanctum.
- The Inner Sanctum was an opulent chamber in the School of Light and Darkness. Vilnix Pompolnius lived in the Inner Sanctum during his days as Most High Academe.
- Podróżnicy używający Klejnotu Translokacji znajdującego się w Ruinach Lordaeron zostają przenoszeni właśnie do Wewnętrznego Sanktuarium znajdującego się za salą tronową. Kategoria:Silvermoon es:Sagrario Interior fr:Sanctum intérieur pl:Inner Sanctum
- frame|center O Santuário Interior (do latim, Inner Sanctum) se encontra na Fortaleza de Quan Chi. Ao utilizar esse santuário, ele foi capaz de abandonar seu próprio corpo do plano astral, para outras esferas da existência. Quan Chi também utiliza essa sala para recarregar-se periódicamente ou para proteger sua forma física, enquanto projeta sua consciência á lugares distantes.
- El santuario interior, o también llamado Inner Sanctum, se encuentra dentro de la Fortaleza de Quan Chi. Al utilizar el santuario interior, el hechicero fue capaz de abandonar su propio cuerpo al plano astral hacia otras esferas de la existencia. Quan Chi también utiliza esta sala para recargarse periódicamente a sí mismo o para proteger su forma física, mientras que proyecta su conciencia a lugares distantes.
- The Inner Sanctum is a location in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard. It is a sublocation of the Forgotten Vale, and is part of the Chantry of Auri-El.
- It should be noted that before entering Clotho's chambers, Kratos sees three murals describing past, present, and future events. The first referencing the Great War between the Titans and Olympians in the past and the threat of its revival, the second showing a lone man (likely Kratos himself) surveying the carnage of a great battle that is waging on below him, and the last alluding to the journey of the three Wise Men toward the birth of Christ. It is possible that the last mural referencing Jesus Christ's birth and the rise of Christianity is there as a way of conveying the real life turn from polytheism, the worship of multiple Gods, such as those in Greek Mythology, to the worship of one God and creator, namely Monotheism. Beyond the key players in the Greek Mythological world being de