| - Mirta Gev might be the only female Star Wars character that Rule 34 hasn't gotten their hands on, but don't worry, they will get to her soon enough.
- Mirta Gev era una cazarrecompensas mandaloriana que vivió durante la Segunda Guerra Civil Galáctica.
- Mirta Gev was a female Mandalorian bounty hunter around the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. Born on Mandalore as the daughter of a bounty hunter, Ailyn Vel, she embarked on a quest first undertaken by her mother, which was to find and kill her grandfather, the legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett, who had abandoned Ailyn Vel at a young age. When Gev finally tracked Fett down in 40 ABY, she ended up entering into a partnership with the dying bounty hunter to find a cure for his illness. Gev assisted Fett in finding a bounty hunter named Skirata, who had medical data needed to treat Fett.