| - This page is about fictional nation of King Otakar XXI. of Bohemian Premyslid Empire'', you can see his youtube channel here. Bohemian Premyslid Empire (Czech: Česká Přemyslovská Říše), officialy named "Empire of United Slavic Lands of Central Europe" is a nation in central europe. It is bordered by 4 countries: Aztec Empire from the west, Republic of Yugoslavia from the south, UPRUPR from the east and The United Scandinavia from the north. It's population is almost 200 000 000 people, yet, they are 5th in the world. It's government is Absolute Monarchy, ruled by King Emperor. Dynasty that ruled on the throne through absolute most of existence of this nation, was Premyslid. This dynasty started somewhere at the beggining of 8th century. They shortly gained hereditary right to the throne, and from small group of tribes risen a big kingdom. National and most loved sport is swordplay. But not the one like we know today, swordplay with real, big swords and with real iron armor. Second most-loved sport is Ice hockey.