| - A suppressor is a device that is fitted to a weapon to silence the sound of the gun fire. On at least one occasion in 1998, O'Neill and Teal'c placed suppressors onto the end of an MP5 M9 pistol, respectively, to take out the guards around Heru'ur on Cimmeria. (SG1: "Thor's Chariot") In 2002, Agent Mark Devlin, who was disguised as Major Paul Davis, attached a suppressor to his weapon to kill Senator Kinsey, both on the Remington Model 700 and on the pistol. (SG1: "Smoke and Mirrors")
- Once per round, after you acquire a target lock on an enemy ship, you may remove 1 focus, evade, or blue target lock from that ship.
- A Supressor is a weapon mod in Wasteland 2.
- A suppressor is a muzzle weapon mod in Fallout 4.
- A suppressor, sound suppressor, or sound moderator, also legally known and refered to as a silencer, is a device attached to or part of the barrel of a firearm which reduces the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
- Suppressor-/-/-/-/-/-
- Suppressors are used to reduce the noise and muzzle flash of a shot by containing, cooling and releasing the propellant gases as the bullet leaves the barrel of the gun. Sound suppressors are commonly used by both covert military and tactical police forces in situations where stealth is a necessity. Sometimes referred to as a "silencer", a suppressor does not completely eliminate the sound of a gunshot, but only reduces it.
- While the Suppressor Aura is active, everyone in its' range must, on every turn, make a check for each of their active Ki-based abilities, checking the level of the ability against RND (1-20) + 5 + the Suppressor's level, to a maximum of +15. This effect counts as a dispel and so has no effect on characters or abilities that cannot be dispelled. Any ability that fails the check is instantly ended.
- Suppressor are able to roleblock a player if they have an action, or kill them if they do not.
- The Suppressor is a weapon that fires multiple bolts of hard light. The weapon first appears in the episode Self Assessment, being primarily used by the Space Pirates and later, Carolina and Grif. When the Blood Gulch Crew analyze the weapon in Catch Up, No Mustard, Dr. Grey discovers that it fires alien-like plasma energy.
- The term silencer is something of a misnomer, as any suppressor will not actually silence the report of a gunshot; it will merely reduce the sound signature of a gunshot and eliminate the muzzle flash succeeding it. The firearm industry prefers the more technically correct term suppressor. However, the first suppressor was patented as a silencer, and the U.S. government (namely, the BATF) still refers to the accessory as a silencer in its laws and paperwork.
- A suppressor or silencer is a muzzle that dampens the sound produced by a gun when fired. Equipping a firearm with a suppressor is vital to taking down enemies without alerting other nearby guards.
- A suppressor, sound suppressor, or sound moderator (also incorrectly silencer), is a device attached to or part of the barrel of a firearm which reduces the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
- A Suppressor is an attachment for some weapons throughout the Medal of Honor series. In the games prior to Medal of Honor (2010), suppressors were rare to find, but all serve the same purpose; to maintain stealth. An example of a suppressed weapon is the Welrod handgun in Medal of Honor: Rising Sun.
- Suppressor is a barrel that can silence a weapon to avoid attention, reduces damage and increases accuracy.
- The Suppressor, or silencer, is a device attached to the muzzle of a firearm to deafen its firing sound and suppress its muzzle flash; it also limits the recoil of the gun. It is used on some weapons in the GTA series but comes standard on them and cannot be removed. However, in GTA V, the suppressor can be used as an optional attachment for most weapons.
- The silencer is seen twice in Die Hard, and they are accessories of Hans Gruber's group. Karl carries one with him as he and Theo break into Nakatomi via the front entrance. He uses it to take out the first guard at the lobby desk, then the other after throwing his hockey puck smoke bomb. Hans Gruber can be seen with his silencer after taking Joe Takagi with him into an empty conference room and unscrews it from his Heckler & Koch P7M13 pistol in front of him.
- The Supressor also known as the Spammer, a flashlight, the Duble Bareld Street Sweeper (Oops wrong game) Z-130 Directed Energy Automatic Weapon by creepy pedophiles on Halopedia who memorize every single bit about Halo.. It shoots little bolts of pure piss that yo momma ejaculated when Soulja Boy The Jackal raped her because her body is colour blind and can't tell the difference between white and yellow. The corrosive piss slowy eats away at enemies as it is sentient and requires food to live. Unfortunatley while it slowy kills your enemy the will most likely be calling the fire brigade to use their special bullet hose and the mega bullet hose. This gun cannot by bought from the fire brigade as it is too shit and the fire brigade have not yet created a "special division" of bullet hoses. C
- Suppressors (also known as silencers) are devices used for reducing the amount of noise emitted by weaponry. They are used occasionally in the series, primarily by Hank, in order to stealthily infiltrate buildings. The suppressor was first used in Madness Redeemer by Hank, who attached one to a PPK. In Madness Depredation, Hank used a suppressed M1911. The suppressor didn't appear again until Madness Aggregation, where it was seen on an agent's M-11. In Madness Combat 7.5, suppressors were attached to Sanford's TMP and Deimos' MK-23.
- Suppressors mask your location on the minimap when firing, reduce muzzle flash, and reduce the volume of the weapon. (Note that outside of 40 meters of the target one does not show up on the minimaps when firing.) Bullet velocity is reduced by 20% at best estimates. Effectiveness at range is greatly reduced, in that the range of maximum damage is reduced by 10 meters and range of minimum damage is reduced by 25 meters.
- Suppressed weapons are generally still semi-loud, but they also bring advantages such as greatly reduced muzzle flash. Suppressors reduce the sound of gunfire by allowing the rapidly expanding gases from the firing of the bullet to be temporarily diverted or trapped in a series of hollow chambers, known as expansion chambers. The trapped gas expands and cools, and its pressure and velocity decrease as it exits the chambers. Suppressors tend be very effective when used with subsonic rounds like the .45 ACP because such rounds do not produce a supersonic crack when fired. But a suppressor used with 5.56x45mm NATO or any other supersonic velocity ammunition will only reduce the sound of the gunshot by about 50% (the gun will still be as loud as a jackhammer). The biggest advantage of using su