| - History of location is unknown.
- Penelo es un personaje jugable en Final Fantasy XII.
- Penelo est un personnage jouable dans les jeux Final Fantasy XII et Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings.
- The official Brady Games strategy guide refers to Vaan and Penelo, "like brother and sister". In Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, Penelo's relationship with Vaan becomes ever closer, suggesting a romantic connection.
- Penelo è una dei personaggi giocabili di Final Fantasy XII. È un'amica d'infanzia di Vaan e vive con lui e altri giovani orfani nella città di Rabanastre, sogna di diventare una ballerina e ha imparato a combattere dai fratelli maggiori. Contrariamente all'amico Vaan, Penelo rimane coinvolta negli eventi del gioco a causa di un equivoco, ma decide comunque di partecipare a quello che diventa presto un conflitto mondiale per determinare il futuro di Ivalice.
- Penelo is a character in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. She first appeared in Final Fantasy XII and in every game she appears, she is the best friend of Vaan. In Revenant Wings, she developed a sort of maternal instinct to take care of the youngest characters, Kytes and Filo in addition to worrying constantly about Vaan. She also takes on the role of the airship's cook despite several comments on her cooking ability by the party. She is also the only playable healing-type group leader in the game and her abilities involve dancing to increase allies' stats and healing the party, and even casting the strongest offensive white magic in the Final Fantasy series, Holy. In Final Fantasy Tactics A2, she still looks after Vaan, but also consid
- Penelo ist ein spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy XII. Sie ist sehr lebensfroh und optimistisch, obwohl sie viele Familienmitglieder und Bekannte durch den Krieg zwischen ihrer Heimat Dalmasca und dem Imperium Archadia verlor. Sie ist eine gute Freundin von Vaan, dessen Familie ebenfalls verstarb, und versucht, ein wachsames Auge auf ihn zu haben, da er in ihren Augen stets nur Unfug anstellt. Sie lebt in der Unterstadt von Rabanastre und liebt es zu tanzen.